Is Jesus your Lord and Master? Are you proud of admitting that? - TopicsExpress


Is Jesus your Lord and Master? Are you proud of admitting that? The following article will show you that your perceptions of Him are not accurate: Father and Friend, Not Lord and Master Yahowah wants to be our father and friend, not our lord and master. He wants us to enjoy an engaged yet relaxed, personal, conversational, upright, and familial relationship with Him. Our Maker does not want us to fear Him. He does not like for us to bow down to Him. And He never demands that we worship Him. Those acts belong to the dogmas of religion; they have no place in a healthy Father-child relationship. Make no mistake about this: Yahowah, Creator of Heaven and Earth, despises religions—all of them. Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Mormonism, Hinduism, Buddhism, Seventh Day Adventism, Jehovahs Witnesses, Socialist Secular Humanism, patriotism, nationalism, miltarism, 12-Stepism, you name it—they are all filthy abominations to Him. They are not pleasing to Him. Every one of them disgusts Him. Those who follow religious practices and traditions do not endear themselves to our God. They like to think they do, but they do not. Worse are those who actively engage in promoting religious, political, and/or economic programs and agendas, for they make themselves Yahowahs enemies. Yahowsha declared, He who is not with Me is against Me. And he who does not gather with Me scatters abroad. By scattering people away from Yahowsha, Who came to declare and demonstrate Yahowahs Teaching (Towrah in Hebrew), religious evangelists and recruiters set themselves against Yahowahs Son and, therefore, against Yahowah Himself. They deliberately make themselves His enemy. That is most unwise. You can personally prove all of this to yourself using the articles and links provided on or through this web site. So let me encourage you to take the necessary time to thoroughly investigate, conclusively verify, and carefully consider what youll be reading here. You will not be frustrated. If you are unwilling to commit yourself to this task, if you refuse to take the time to thoroughly investigate, conclusively verify, and carefully consider all the evidence I and others have compiled for your benefit, then you ought to leave the site immediately and stop wasting your time. Continue living in willful ignorance. If that is your choice, then stop playing around and just do it. No hard feelings. But remember this: you must live with the consequences of your choice. Your soul could die as a consequence of your decision in this matter. I tell you that not to threaten or frighten you, but because you need to know the facts so that you can make an informed decision based on rational thought and reliable information. No, the death of your soul is not a punishment. It is the natural result of the end of Yahowahs gift of physical life. We are given life. If we waste it, then when we die our souls cease to exist. Thats it. It is not a punishment. Ones soul is not thrown into a sinners Hell fire to be tortured and broiled alive forever and ever. The very idea of such a thing is utterly repulsive to, and would be totally out of character with, Yahowah, our God. He is offering you eternal life. If you choose to reject His offer, He isnt going to come after you with eyes ablaze and hellacious fury. Forget all that crap. But when your body dies, that will be the end of you. If that is what you want, then go in peace. However, if one chooses to actively participate in helping the Lord draw others away from Yahowah by any means, everything changes. When their body dies, their soul will not cease to exist. But that is not a good thing for them, for they will be imprisoned with the Lord, and with his demons, and with his human agents in a place where there is no light, no warmth, no freedom, and no contact whatsoever with the others who are there. It will be a dungeon where each prisoner is completely isolated in the thick blackness of total darkness, left alone with only the memories of their deliberate decision to oppose Yahowah and His ways. No mention is made in the Scriptures of eternal flames to burn and torment the souls placed in there. But Yahowsha does say that weeping and gnashing of teeth will characterize the reactions of those who find themselves condemned to spend eternity there. Now, I dont know about you, but I have to be in some real anguish to gnash my teeth. So the emotional torment will be all too real and it will never end. And, yes, being condemned to that place is indeed a punishment. But it is a just and appropriate punishment for those who deliberately choose to turn people away from our Creator. You dont want to go there. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ah! You are still here. Thats good! Lets continue. Yahowah adores relationships. He sacrificed everything except His integrity to create the possibility of achieving a personal, One-on-one relationship with you, and with me, and with whosoever will. Yahowah wants us to stand up and walk with Him. Satan (see note below), i.e., the Lord, wants us to bow down and worship him. Yahowah wants us to understand and follow His prescriptions for successful and righteous living: His Towrah. Did you know that torah is a Hebrew word meaning prescriptions for living, written instruction, teaching, direction, and guidance? Its true. Towrah does not mean law. In fact, there isnt even a word in Hebrew for obey. So Yahowahs Towrah is not a set of laws for us to obey. That is the stuff of religion. Are you starting to get a little bit angry about the fact that youve been lied to your whole life? Good. There is a time and a place for righteous anger. Yahowsha found it in the temple and used it to energize Himself as He took a multi-corded whip to the money changers and wreaked havoc in their office area. He even took the time to build by hand the whip He was going to use, which would have given Him plenty of time to cool off had His anger been inappropriate. But His anger wasnt inappropriate, it was right in line with Yahowahs heart. And, friend, if youre getting hot under the collar about what youre learning here today, then youre right where you need to be emotionally. Stand up for yourself. Take Yahowahs hand and leave the land of your fathers. Walk with Him to a land flowing with milk and honey, where righteousness will be the norm, where peace will define the whole environment, and where love will be real and free and clean. As long as you allow yourself to think of Yahowahs Towrah as a set of do-or-die laws, there is no way youre going to be able to consider Him in terms of being your Father. The two just dont go together. Think about it. The Towrah is not Yahowahs Law. The Towrah is Yahowahs love letter to mankind, His gift to show us how to get to know Him. Yet Judaisms religious leaders, Christianitys religious leaders, and Roman Catholicisms religious leaders all refer to Yahowahs Towrah as the law. Dont you dare believe them. Please. Let me preface the next paragraph with this explanation. Dode is an accurate transliteration of the name we usually see rendered as David. It rhymes with code and it means love. Dodes name (דוד) is spelled dalet-waw-dalet in Hebrew. Since we know that the waw carries the sound of the long ō in English, we know how to pronounce the sweet composers name correctly. If I wrote Dwd, you wouldnt know what sound Im trying to convey, so I spell his name Dode. And just so youll know, ancient Hebrew had no letters or sounds for todays v. The vav in todays Hebrew is a deliberate and relatively recent alteration of the waw character by the ever-untrustworthy rabbis to further obfuscate Yahowahs Name. In Psalm 119, Dode reveals to us how he came to know and trust Yahowah through the Towrah, exclaiming in what we call verse 97, Oh! How I love Your teaching (Hebrew word, Towrah)! Doesnt sound to me like he was referring to a set of cold, hard laws written by a God who was screaming, You had better do these to the letter or Ill torture you forever with hellfire! Nor is it reasonable to think that we could ever love a god or anyone else who would demand such a thing of us. Its unthinkable and irrational. But its what religious leaders want us to believe. And its what billions of people have believed and continue to believe. Like I said, the Towrah is Yahowahs love letter to mankind, His gift to show us how to get to know Him. Dode viewed it as such and he absolutely loved it. And he got to know and understand Yahowah so well through listening to and carefully considering His teachings that Yahowah was moved to describe Dode to the prophet Shemuel as a man after My own heart. Want a bunch of blessings? Read the Songs (aka, Psalms), preferably with at least 2 Hebrew-English Lexicons within easy reach. And remember, when you see law, it was probably translated from Towrah, so read law as teaching, or instruction. Religion is stuffed to the gills with rules and traditions. Its leaders want us to figuratively and literally prostrate ourselves in unquestioning submission to their unauthorized traditions and Towrah-rejecting commandments of men. Our Creator wants us to be real and honest with Him. What does our adversary want? Yah is giving us a gift / Mattanyah / Matthew 4:8-9 Again, the false accuser took Him up on a very high mountain, and showed Him all the kingdoms of the world and their glory, and said to Him, All these I will give to You if You fall down and worship me. We never find Yahowah making that demand of us, ever. Search the Scriptures. It just isnt there. Yahowah never commands us, Fall down and worship Me! In fact, Yahowah never commands us to do anything, ever. Instead, Yahowah invites us to walk with Him, as a child with his Father, hand in hand, talking and hanging out together in a spirit of love, cooperation, joy, and eager anticipation of more time together. He is not interested in standing over us while we grovel at His feet blubbering in a deadly confusion of fear and respect about how great He is. Yahowah is reasonable and stable. Only someone unreasonable and unstable would crave and demand worship. Next: What is His Sons Name? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Top Table of Contents Home -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Footnote: Satan Satan is not really a name. It is the transliteration of the Hebrew word satan, and it means adversary, one who withstands. So anyone or anything which stands in our way could be accurately described as satan, as an adversary. Yahowsha spoke Hebrew and possibly Aramaic. He did not speak Greek. So where it is recorded that He said to Kepha (Peter), Get behind me, Satan! when Kepha tried to talk Him out of going to Yerushalaim to suffer and die as our Passover, He was just telling His student to stop opposing His decision to fulfill His mission. He was not equating His friend with His worst enemy. Religion has made the Hebrew word satan into a name and, as a result, all sorts of silly superstitions and fantasies have attached themselves to it. 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Posted on: Tue, 18 Mar 2014 07:48:09 +0000

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