Is Karatbars International a pyramid scheme? Ive been asked twice - TopicsExpress


Is Karatbars International a pyramid scheme? Ive been asked twice and I saw the same question circulate in the internet so I thought this is a fair question and needs a fair answer so Ive done my research on this. What is a pyramid scheme anyway? According to Criminal.FindLaw, Pyramid schemes follow a predictable formula. Usually, one person, known as the “recruiter,” will create a fraudulent business which requires others to pay a fee to join. The people he recruits to the business then recruit others to join as well, and pocket the fees. This cycle of recruitment is supposed to continue indefinitely, so that everyone who joins the “business” will continue to receive the recruitment fees of the newest recruits. This is ILLEGAL in the US and elsewhere. Now, are Multi-Level Marketing (MLM) Businesses equivalent to Pyramid schemes? Theyre not. Again, according to Criminal.FindLaw, an MLM business involves a central corporation that creates a product, and then convinces other people to pay a fee in exchange for the right to sell its product. Unlike a pyramid scheme, MLM businesses make their money by selling products such as cosmetics, cooking implements, and fashion accessories; they don’t rely on an unsustainable stream of new recruits to make their money. So is Karatbars International a pyramid scheme? Absolutely not. This company is not recruiting people and asking them for fees so that they could pay the earlier investors. Ill show proof to this later. Is Karatbars International a MLM business then? Its not. Again, a MLM requires a fee in exchange for the right to sell its product. As an affiliate of this company, I did not sign up so I can sell people gold. We are not selling people gold. What we do is trade our paper money into gold money which has more value. Its like taking $65 from your left pocket, exchange it into gold money and putting it in your right pocket. We did not buy consumable products like lotions or pills where at the end of the day, the empty bottle holds no value. Being an affiliate, we dont spend our money, we protect it by exchanging it into real gold currency. Karatbars International has other products as well, so its your choice if you just want to become a saver or buy some of their products like the unique branding gold cards or participate in the pay plan. So who is Karatbars International? It is a trading company headquartered in Stuttgart, Germany and has offices in Latin America, Asia and the USA. It was founded by Harald Seiz in 2011.The company specializes in the sale of small gold bars and gold bars, as gifts with 1 gram gold cards, merchandise, collectibles and gift cards. They offer real gold currency in 1 gram, 2.5 grams, 5 grams in size, approved by the LBMA-London Bullion Market Association. All KARATBARS is 999.9 thousandths of purity-24 karat gold. They have an exclusive gold refinery located in Istanbul, Turkey. They are recognized by the BDS (B und der Sparer-Federation Savers eV), a European Consumer Watch Dog Group Association as the best option of choice for the Specialty Bullion Products. I just got my 2 cards of karatbars thru FedEx last week, each with 1 gram of gold embedded in it, see attached photos. So, yes it is very tangible and you can decide to have it shipped to you or stored for you. In my future exchanges though, I choose to have my gold gram stored in Storage Prosegur (Free Of Charge) in Frankfurt Neu-Isenburg, Germany. They also have storage facilities in Switzerland and Singapore (direct contracts). The Vatican has entered into a licensing agreement with Karatbars International to produce a limited edition of karatbars cards with Pope John Paul IIs image on it. With the approval of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth, Karatbars International has also produced HM Queen Elizabeth, 60 Years Diamond Jubilee Celebration - branding gold cards. Mercedes Benz and Letsch Dealerships have also entered into a licensing agreement to have branding gold cards produced with their images on it. The images of these branding gold cards are available on the web for you to see. The Vatican, or even the Queen of England or big, reputable names like the Mercedes Benz company would not enter into any form of business with Karatbars International if they have found the company scrupulous or fraudulent in its operations. Karatbars International has been in operation in over 100 countries and growing. If what they do is illegal, this company should have been banned a long time ago and its officers arrested for illegal activities. But the fact that they remain and are still operating and even getting stronger, tells me that all claims and accusations made towards them are false and without merit. The best thing I like about this company though is they made it possible for the masses to accumulate gold in small, affordable amounts. Gold is no longer for the elite, but for everyone. In my own personal experience with this company, I traded my paper money into real gold currency and I touched the actual gold embedded in a card. If I get to encourage people to do the same thing I do, which is to trade their paper currency into gold, I receive a commission just like any businesses do with their employees. You get rewarded for referring the program to people, especially to those you care about. I am convinced that gold holds its true value over time and is therefore a protective shield against inflation. So is Karatbars a pyramid scheme? Ive got enough evidence to show that its not. Actually, I think its genius that a reputable company like Karatbars International has come up with a way for ordinary people like you and I, to trade for gold reasonably.
Posted on: Mon, 30 Jun 2014 01:59:28 +0000

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