Is Man (human) different from the Son’s of God? "There were - TopicsExpress


Is Man (human) different from the Son’s of God? "There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown." Genesis 6:4. Let me explain. These giants stood 30 to 60 feet tall. The Bible also refers to them as Nephilim, which includes part animal, part human looking creatures. The Bible refers to the Nephilim as “evil angels.” What made them evil? Well, because they were like Satan, the number one evil angel of them all. They wanted to be as powerful as God, and they committed all sorts of evil and wicked acts on the earth. What I want to point out here are the “hybrids” that the Nephilim created. In the Quran it mentions that we did come from the dirt, but not the dirt in itself alone. It mentioned that there were leaches that were taken from that dirt, and the son’s of God injected their seed (their sperm) into these leaches, and a human being was then created. This is a fact. They didn’t create us to rule over us, and force us into slavery however. They created us to eat us, because they were casted out of Heaven and damned to below the depth of the earth, and to dwelith among it where there was little or no food for them to eat. “They were giants.” They were too big for this earth, and so they started making all kinds of animals to eat. Human beings were just one of those animals, which they actually made on accident. I’ll explain how later. Let me explain “Noah” a little bit later too. You can probably eat 2 to 3 pieces of chicken for dinner, but for the Nephilim (The giants), they had to eat 500 or more whole chickens each! This was on a daily bases. So they created many mixed animals called hybrids. These are some of them; Part angel /part leach (This turned into a human being). They created part angel part bird (This turned into a screech owl), part bird part horse (This was called Pegasus), part angel part horse (Sagittarius), part angel part fish (the mermaid), part angel part lion, part angel part ox, and all kinds of monsters. They created all kinds of animals that researchers call mythological. Make no mistakes about it. Those monsters existed! They created everything down to the fire breathing dragon (part giant lizard/ part electric eel). None of these animals reproduced as quickly as they expected, and for the human being sake, we were just too small, although they loved terrorizing us, and they ate a lot of us. Eventually they fought, and ate one another until they ate and killed each other to extinction. See David and Goliath in the Bible for more information. There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown. Gen.6:5 And God saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually. Gen.6:6 And it repented the LORD that he had made man on the earth, and it grieved him at his heart. World was corrupt and full of violence. Gen.6:5,11-13; Then the flood. Life sustaining earth lost. A new heavens and a new earth all perfect has to be made. I’m trying to explain to you that these giants stood upwards of 30 feet tall with some of them topping 60 feet. Noah did not like the Nephilim. That was one of the main reasons why he created the Ark. These giants were big. They were nothing like Goliath. Goliath only stood about 13 feet tall. Now you see how evil these giants were in God’s eyes, can you imagine what they must have looked like to Noah? And there we saw the giants, the sons of Anak, which come of the giants: and we were in our own sight as grasshoppers, and so we were in their sight. -Numbers 13:33 Notice how I use as much of the bible quotes as possible, so that you don’t think that I’m making this stuff up. Noah realized that we were the smartest of all of the hybrids that the angels created. We were the only ones that had 5 fingers. Most had hooves, claws, and others had 6 fingers. Many of them had tails. Many of them had human like qualities but none of them had the brains that Noah had. The Nephilim laughed at Noah when he was building the Ark but some of them had a little faith, and started to dig holes deep below the surface of the earth. They dug so deep that they were not wiped out by the flood. "There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that (excerpt of Genesis 6:4) I’m going to stop you right there so that you know that we are both on the same page. “After that” in this Bible phrase means that some of these Nephilims survived, and it is explained to you in a book entitled “Behold the Pale Horse” by William Cooper. This discovery was also made by a man named Phil Schneider. Both of these men knew so much about alien civilizations that the F.B.I had them both killed. Once an alien touches you, the government moves you to a quarantine house for life! We know that the F.B.I killed them, because Behold a Pale Horse, is the number one book that the Black Muslims advertise in the Nation of Islam’s newspaper called “The Final Call.” You see the Black Muslim brothers selling it in the streets today. Luis Farrakhan was floored when he found out. I was amazed and shocked when I found out too. In fact Satan’s children “still” live below the surface of the earth. Phil Schneider was hired by the U.S government through NASA to help the U.S hide some of their nuclear bombs. They asked him to dig holes in the surface of the earth where he would hide them. What he discovered knocked his sox off! This man dug so deep that he dug right straight through to hell! He discovered that there was an alien civilization living sort of like we were only that they were below the earth. He said, “It stunk worse than the worst smelling garbage truck you could ever smell.” These were real alien bases. The Nephilim still had 6 fingers, and some of the alien hybrids still had part animal part human looks to them. I’m not trying to freak you out about some aliens, because these creatures are actually from the earth if you ask me. Reptilians, long noses, and grays are what some of them are called, and they are all down there. Phil Schneider said that they lived to be over 900 years old when he spoke with them, and I believe him. The grays helped Russia and the United States make cell phones, lap tops, cable television, the microwave, etc., and they also helped Bill Gates make the computer. That’s why he is one of the wealthiest men in the world, not because he made a computer chip, but because he kept his mouth shut. I know you must be thinking did Indivisible go alien crazy? The answer to that is no. Read your “Bible”, not your Babble. Read the Quran. That is why Muslims are smart people. They know what time it is. I am not a Muslim, although I can tell you that they took me into their mosque and taught me some technical information pertaining to the Quran, and I believe that the history that we are living today is based on these books. Wealthy elites do not know us but they want us all dead, because the aliens are powerful. The aliens think that we will destroy the earth, and they live below it and want to come up. This is why they want us dead. They want us eliminated so that they can rule the earth again. The rich folks don’t care about us. They want to help the devil. That is why we all need to learn to love and respect one another. Go look at some pictures of the early Egyptian hieroglyphics in the pyramids and you will see part bird part human, part dog part human. I’m sure you know the ones I’m talking about, well, those hybrids were real, and they got more respect than many of the king’s subjects. If the bible says that they were wicked, I believe in the Bible. I’ll see you all on the other side. Believe that. -Indivisible
Posted on: Thu, 11 Jul 2013 04:55:11 +0000

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