Is Obama blind? Has the world gone dead? It breaks my heart to - TopicsExpress


Is Obama blind? Has the world gone dead? It breaks my heart to see this Apartheid, worst than ever been in human history, be ignored not just by Obama but by all of the leaders of the 1st world countries...while most people cry for justice...the Governments ignore, lie or remain silent and some send money or blankets to coverup their incompetence to do anything about it. What is it? What is really going on here? Could I be wrong, could we all be wrong and Obama, Netanyahu and few Israelis are right? I watched this film and I couldn’t finish it! There is not much graphic in it however there is so much of the truth that is being hidden, ignored in this simple documentary that is heartbreaking... Please! if you have any heart left in you, and I am talking to every Israeli friend, Jewish, or American friend that I know or have connected with, especially the one that disconnected from me because she could not agree with me: “I will not agree with you… just because”. She could not face the truth… all she knew was that she must be with the government good or real truth can change her mind... Ok so that is her, so what about the rest of the leaders...what is your excuse... Well, now I am begging you to see this...Please…everyone see this, take 5 min of your time and see this…there is no proof more accurate, more truthful than what you will see and it is because it is happening in Hebron, the place they say everyone is treated equally and the Arabs are integrated beautifully…Really? Just watch this. My dear Israeli Friends, you must have seen the two street segregation and the deliberate harassment of school kids...How could you even try to argue with anyone about your legitimacy over the situation? How could you even look at anyone straight in the eye and say the lies you have been fed by the media and repeat it like a parrot, ignoring what your eyes sees EVERY SINGLE DAY!!!!!!!! I am beyond outraged!!!!! EVERYONE, do not believe what is being passed on as the truth, see for yourselves and then decide…please watch even if you have to twist facts and just for the sake of tolerating the video, pretend they are Israeli children and the soldiers are Arabs...whatever makes you tolerate 5min of your time to see the truth for what it is. I am beyond heart human being should tolerate 66 years of human being can! Please have mercy on their souls...please see, feel, heal
Posted on: Sun, 10 Aug 2014 20:24:12 +0000

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