Is Obama the worst President in history? America has had its - TopicsExpress


Is Obama the worst President in history? America has had its share of less than desirable Presidents. However, the times in which they lived, regardless of how bad they were. Had far less impact on America and certainly the World than this President. Also in the past, when a President was unqualified for the job. He would only serve one term before being replaced. There wasnt this overwhelming ideology that seems to override ability and accomplishments. There wasnt allowances given based on race, that we see today. Past Presidents had respect for not only the office. But also, for the Congress, Senate and above all the American People. This President has none of these qualities. This President was elected for two Reasons. Other that the fact that the Republicans had such a weak candidate in John McCain. hahaha Ok three reasons if you factor in McCain. First of all, he ran for office at a time when the American people were dissatisfied with government. And he appeared to most, as an outsider. He appeared as a fresh face, someone with a new perspective. He promised to have the most transparent administration ever. He promised to bring down the debt. He promised to end the Wars. He promised to close down Gitmo. He promised to bring peace through negotiation. And respect through diplomacy. Well, lets face it. He promised a lot of things. Unfortunately none of them were true. The second reason he won the election on the first time around. Was because of his race. America was chomping at the bit to prove to the World. That we were not a racist Country. That we practiced what we preached. That anyone could achieve greatness and become President. Regardless of their humble beginnings and regardless of their race. White America thought that if they elected a Black President. It would finally end the guilt always being hurled in their direction. Guilt for acts committed by long dead strangers. They thought that they could at last move beyond the mostly false accusations of racism. Black America, understandably was proud to have the first African American Running for the highest office in the land. So they showed up at the voting booths in record numbers. With the highest black voter turn out in history. Ok that explains the first time he was elected. Now what about the second time. How does the worst President in history get re-elected? Romney was a quality candidate. Especially when compared to the last Republican nominee John McCain. He had a proven track record. Having not only ran a state as a Governor. But also, he had an impressive track record in business. From having run a major Corporation to saving the Olympic Games. This time, Obama wasnt a fresh face. And his dismal record was apparent for all. He was behind in all the polls one month before the elections. However, there were three things that all came together in the last month. First, the unemployment numbers miraculously fell from 8.1 to 7.8 one month prior to election day. We now know that may have been false information. Secondly, Hurricane Sandy and Chris Christi. Chris Christi had been a staunch Romney supporter. Until he was passed over for the Vice Presidency position by Romney. He was almost visibly contemptuous of Romney after that. Then when Hurricane Sandy hit. Christi either allowed himself to be used by Obama. Or intentionally tried to sabotage Romney out of spite. Or just plain sold out the American people. In order to secure extra funds for his State by going on a State wide photo op tour. Thirdly, Race once again played a major role. Only this time there was no excuse for the black voters to feel proud. Blacks voted for him based on racism. Mexicans voted for him because, first of all, theyre majority Democrats and secondly because Obama used race to divide Mexicans from Whites with false promises of Immigration reform and false accusations of Republican oppression. He was helped in this portrayal by the Tea Party Extremist. And the Liberal media Racism is wrong no matter which side uses it. Yet it was used and used again. Racism played a major role in both elections. We will never get past racism in this Country as long as its continued to be used for political gain. Yes I said it. I spoke about the 800 lbs gorilla in the room. We all know it to be true. Libertarians look at the issues not the color of the skin. Personal freedom by definition reflects individual rights and equality. Freedom has no skin color. Libertarians believe race should never be a factor. The free market system is open for everyone. Less Government intrusion benefits all people. Hate is best reserved for wars and Libertarians dont believe in unnecessary wars. Common sense must prevail. Craig Christopher Cleveland
Posted on: Wed, 27 Nov 2013 14:29:28 +0000

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