Is Quran the Voice of God? Quran says that the only true religion - TopicsExpress


Is Quran the Voice of God? Quran says that the only true religion is Islam and who desires a religion other than Islam is unacceptable. One question comes in mind that Islam was first preached first in 6th century. Mankind exists millions of years before the advent of Islam. If Islam is the only true religion what will be the fate of millions of innocent people who were born and died before the advent of Islam. How can you penalize a person for an act, which is subsequently called a crime by special legislation? Experts of Islam are silent on this issue. The Vedic philosophy of God granting knowledge or manual of information in form of Vedas in the very beginning of Mankind looks more practical and acceptable. According to tenets of Islam a Muslim is one who believes in God, in his messengers, in his apostles, in the message of Quran and the last Prophet, Muhammad. This is the biggest limitation of Islam as the Truth is confined only for the people of particular faith, belief, creed and country. Take an example if a person who is not a believer of Islam but by his deeds, his actions and his thoughts he is pure and he had never engaged in any sin will still go to hell. He as per the basic principle of Islam is not fit for the eternal happiness as he is not a believer in the God of Quran and his last prophet, Muhammad. How dogmatic is this belief. The God or Allah of Quran needs recommendations from the Prophet. This again raises a doubt that is the Allah of Quran deficient to depend on prophets in sending his message and accepting recommendations. The concept of God like a monarch, sitting on a decorated throne, surrounded by a number of decently dressed subordinates, whose sole business is to sing and praise the master, day and night, is no more appealing to an understanding mind. Moreover the job of angels also looks more primitive which might be useful for uncivilized races but not for the enlightened people of today. The belief of Vedas looks more practical that the God is perfect. He judges us by our thoughts and our actions. Being omniscient, He knows us through and through. None dare deceive him or recommend him. He is not depended on anyone for recommendations or message. Muhammad is regarded as the Last prophet. It means that after Muhammad the world will receive no messenger from the God to guide the suffering humanity. Full thirteen centuries have passed. There are no signs of the final day and no one knows how many millennia are needed further. Is not it proof of his mercy and partiality for Muhammad and injustice for missions of Humans who are left helpless without any guidance. The Vedic philosophy looks more optimistic as according to it God is sitting in the heart of each person guiding him forever, from birth till death, anytime and anywhere. We leave it to the reader to think for himself which way is full of Hope. The life before and after death remains a mystery in Islam. No one knows why a person was born and what will be his fate after death. No one can solve this query that why a person is born as a rich man living a lavish life for his whole life while another person is born as a poor man and miserable life. A lay excuse is given that Allah tests a person by making him to face sufferings. Simple argue to counter this excuse is the test is done by those who are unaware of the results. It obvious that God is all knower than why does Allah needs to know the already known result. The concept of rebirth seems more practical and understandable. The man enjoys or suffers for what he has done in past. Judgments are not awaited till the final day because there is no chance to repent for your sins in Islam while in Vedic philosophy the God is a loving father as he provides you equal opportunity to repent and improve yourself, to build your character and to enjoy peace and plenty. Heaven and hell in Islam are a matter of great debate in Islam. Moksha or freedom from the cycle of birth and death, eternal peace, detachment from all wordly pleasures is the ultimate goal of life in Vedas while in Islam the ultimate goal of life is enjoyment of all sorts of pleasures. Vedas describes the state of mind of a yogi as an earthen lamp. Kept in the windless place, burns on without a flicker; free from blasts of passion, enjoying eternal peace. The heaven of Islam in contrast is place filled with different pleasures. Places filled with pearls, sweet water, river of wines, honey, musk, finest silk dresses, silver and gold bracelets, jewels, flesh, fowl and most important harams filled with numerous virgin houris. What a contrast between heavens. In reality heaven and Hell are no separate entities in sky but they are present here on this earth only. One who is enjoying happiness is in the Heaven and one who is suffering is in the hell. The bloodshed of humanity done in past for achieving this Islamic heaven must promote the scholars of Islam to rethink about their belief in the very existence of such heaven filled with pleasures. The fate of a person is predetermined in Islam and it’s in the hands of god. Every Muslim must believe in God’s absolute decree and pre-destination both of good and evil, and that God has from eternity predetermined everything, good as well as bad, belief and unbelief and that everything that has been or will be depends entirely on his will. He whom God guide is guided and he whom he misleads shall be the lost. A doubt arises in my mind that if I do exactly according to the God’s will than why should be I blamed for any action of mine? My belief or non-belief is not due to my choice. I am merely a tool in the hands of my master. The Law of karma of Vedas seems to be more practical and doubtless in understanding this query. It says that success comes to those who work hard; fate and such other words are uttered by the idle; leaving and forgetting fate, try as much as you can; and even hen if you don’t succeed, never mind. Man is his own maker. He can rise or fall at his will. He determines his own fate. The rewards as well as the sufferings in his life are results of actions what he had done in past and he have to face the consequences of all actions what he is doing at present in future and there is no interference of God in his actions except guidance to do all good. Overall the Vedic concept of actions looks perfect and sense full. Praying of Namaz of God five times a day towards the land of Mecca again raises doubts about the unbiased status of God. It is commonly argued that God send his last prophet to the land of Arab so Arab is the holiest land on this earth. How can we discriminate between humans, races, landscapes, continents etc on such basis while we are already aware that the whole universe is created by one God for the benefit of whole Mankind? Also praying in one specific direction and ignoring other direction is again a contradiction towards the omnipresent status of God. The Vedic concept of presence of God inside as well as outside us, in all directions, in all places, everywhere, even before this universe existed and even after dissolution of this universe seems more appropriate. One can pray to God anywhere anytime and in direction. God is always aware of your actions, your thoughts and your fate. Quran is said to be a revelation; if so, why certain suras (Chapters) were first revealed and subsequently cancelled? Does not it prove that the God of Quran is deficient and needs to update his message time to time? Does not it prove that God of Quran made mistakes and later rectify them? Frankly speaking this is not possible that God can be deficient as according to Vedic Philosophy God is all knower and he had granted his knowledge of Vedas with the beginning of life and it remains same till the end of this universe. The shedding of blood of innocent animals on name of God is again a practice opposite to the merciful and kind feature of God. How is it possible to please God by killing animals? Muhammad, the last prophet sacrificed 63 camels on his first pilgrimage with the word on his mouth “In the name of God, God is great.” The Vedic philosophy of “May I look upon all living beings as a friend.” “Do not kill animals for they also feel”. The merciful God who has created all living beings cannot be a party in the cold-blooded slaughter of these poor animals. It is our perverse notion that we bring down God to the low level. The basic philosophy of Quran and numerous practices on the name of Islam raised above are still unsolved and they are still knocking each and every corner of my mind to openly say that “Is Quran the Voice of God?”
Posted on: Wed, 20 Aug 2014 07:51:07 +0000

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