Is Rwanda a good place to invest as Paul Kagame likes to claim? No - TopicsExpress


Is Rwanda a good place to invest as Paul Kagame likes to claim? No it is not. What about IMF and the World Bank that kept praising Rwandas economic miracle for years? That was then, this is now. Like everyone else, they used to succumb to Paul Kagames well oiled PR machine of lies. Lately, the machine has been running dry, running out of cash. Kagames mafia business has been exposed to its core. Kagame does not just steal from nationals like Rujugiro and others. He also steals from foreign investors. Well seasoned investors. So, Mr. Uhuru Kenyatta, before you consider buying Inyange enterprise, be sure to pay attention to the following. It is a story told by an ambassador of the US in Kigali. It is a story of Kagame making investors business life impossible so he can start accusing the them of poor performance. Kagame has not done it once, not twice. He did it several times turning millionaires into homeless. In one year alone he failed businesses of serious investors such as German Lahemeyer at Electrogaz, South African Southern Sun with the now-Serena managed hotels, Dane Associates with the methane extraction and conversion on Lake Kivu, and Chris Lundh of Terracom. And get this - Kagames mafia is so good at destroying businesses that none of the ejected companies have been able to seek international arbitrage. Meanwhile, each of them has left with an extremely negative impression of the Rwandan business climate. So who do you think you are to entrust Kagame with your hard earned cash? Read the details and benchmark yourself:
Posted on: Wed, 19 Feb 2014 04:37:24 +0000

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