Is Ted Cruz a natural born citizen? The answer is he is not. - TopicsExpress


Is Ted Cruz a natural born citizen? The answer is he is not. Rafael Cruz, Teds father, did not become a naturalized American citizen until 2005. Ted Cruz was born in 1970 before his father became naturalized. Even though Cruzs mother was a US citizen at the time of his birth, his father was not meaning Cruz does not meet the definition of natural born citizen. ------- Ted Cruz has been a Senator who prides himself on knowing the Constitution and the Federalist Papers. His father, in his speeches, talked about how he taught his children the Constitution. But, it appears Cruz is willing to pick and choose the parts of the Constitution to stand behind instead of supporting it as a whole. The reason being a bid for the presidency as a bold conservative. Are conservative and Republican Americans willing to wear the label hypocrite that they so generously apply to liberals in order to put their man in? Are conservative and Republican Americans willing to commit the same wrong as the Democrats and liberals in order to counteract a previous wrong? It appears that Cruz is receiving plenty of encouragement and support to make a run for the White House. As it stands, many conservatives and Republicans have no problem engaging in the same activities as liberals and Democrats. ------- Two wrongs dont make a right. If some conservatives and Republicans are willing to let the requirements for the office of president slide in order to elect their man, can these people really call themselves conservatives and supporters of the Constitution? by Suzanne Hamner Read the whole article at:
Posted on: Sat, 24 Jan 2015 22:09:34 +0000

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