Is Terrorism a Muslim Monopoly? 19th century – We hardly find - TopicsExpress


Is Terrorism a Muslim Monopoly? 19th century – We hardly find any terrorist attacks done by Muslims. After World War II from 1941 to 1948, the Jewish Terrorists conducted 259 terrorist attacks. 22 July 1946 – The famous bombing of King David Hotel was conducted under the leadership of Menachem Begin. 91 were killed, out of which 28 were British, 41 Arabs, 17 Jews and 5 others. The Ignun group dressed up as Arabs to show as though the Muslims did this bombing. Menachem Begin was called terrorist number one by the British government. Later on after a few years Menachem Begin the terrorist number one became the Prime Minister of Israel & got a Noble Prize for Peace. Imagine a person who was a terrorist number getting a Noble Prize for Peace. Menachem Begin and others were fighting to get a Jewish state. Before 1945 Israel did not exist in the World Map. These Jewish group were fighting for a Jewish state and later on with the power they kick the Palestinian out and now the same people are calling the same Palestinian who are fighting for a more just cause for getting their land back. And the Israelis label them today as Terrorist. Hitler killed 6 million Jews. The Palestinians welcome the Jews. Later on the Jews kick the Palestinians out of their own land and when the Palestinians are fighting to get their land back they are labeled as Terrorists. It is like I welcome a stranger in my house. After a few days that person throws me out of my house and when I shout out side my house that I want my house back, you call me a Terrorist. In Germany from 1968 – 1992, Baader Meinhoff Gang killed several innocent human beings. In Italy, Red Brigades kidnapped and killed Aldo Moro, the former Prime Minister of Italy. 20 March 1995 - Aum Shinrikyo a Buddhist Cult used Nerve Gas in the Tokyo Subway in which 12 people were killed and 5700 were wounded and injured. IRA (The Irish Republican Army) In UK since hundred years IRA (The Irish Republican Army) is conducting Terrorist attacks against UK. They are Catholics. But are never called as Catholic Terrorist. In 1972 IRA conducted 3 bomb blasts. In the first blast 7 were killed, in second blast 11 were killed and in the third 9 were killed. In 1974 IRA conducted two bomb blasts. First at Guildford Pub in which 5 were killed and 44 injured; second at the Birmingham Pub which killed 21 and injured 182. In 1996 IRA conducted bomb blast in London in which 2 persons were killed and more than were 100 injured. In the same year IRA conducted bomb blast in Manchester shopping center in which 206 people were injured. On 1 August, 1998, the Banbridge bomb blast took place. The IRA planted 500 pound of bomb, which was loaded in a car where 35 people were injured. On 15 August, 1998, Omagh bomb blast took place. IRA planted 500 pound of bomb in a car where 29 people were killed and 330 injured. On the 4 March, 2001, the BBC was bombed by IRA. The IRA is never called as Catholic Terrorist. Today the UK government is more afraid of Muslim terrorist. Today Tony Blair is more afraid of the Muslim terrorists than IRA who is conducting terrorist attacks for more than a hundred years. Why? In Spain and France ETA conducted 36 terrorist attacks. In Africa there are many terrorist organisations. But the most notorious is the Lords Salvation Army; a Christian terrorist organisation in Uganda. They train young childrens to commit terrorist attacks. On 5 June, 1984, the Indian Security Forces took over the Golden Temple in which 100 people were killed. In retaliation on 31 October, 1984, Prime Minister Indira Gandhi was assassinated by her Sikh security guard. In Tripura there are Christian terrorist organizations called ATTF (All Tripura Tiger Force) and NLFT (National Liberation Front of Tripura). On the 2 October, 44 Hindus were killed by these Christian terrorists. In Assam we have ULFA (United Liberation Front of Assam). ULFA in the 16 years from 1990 to 2006 has conducted successfully 749 confirmed terrorist attacks. The ULFA will put the Kashmiri militants to shame. But in the newspapers we only hear of Kashmiri militant. Why? The ULFA are trained to kill the Muslims, they are Hindus. How many times do we hear about them? The maximum terrorist attacks, which have been done in India, are done by the Maoists. Only in Nepal, in the past 7 years they have conducted 99 terrorist attacks. According to the Indian Government out of 600 districts in India Maoists are present in 150 districts of India. They have done terrorist attacks in one-third part of India. The Maoists are the biggest dangers to India but yet the Indian Government is afraid of the Muslim terrorist. Why? The reason is George Bush. The Times of India, edition dated 9 September, 2006, reported that 875 rockets and 30 launchers were confiscated by the police. It is the biggest haul in the history of India that the government has confiscated. The Holy Quran says in Sura Maidah, chp.5, verse.32, that If anyone kills any human being, except as a punishment for murder or creating mischief in the land, it will as though he had killed the entire humanity. Most of the religions dont preach that you should kill innocent human being. Terrorism is not the monopoly of any religion. The human being who has killed the maximum people is Adolf Hitler. Hitler incinerated 6 million Jews. He was Christian. Joseph Stalin (Uncle Joe) killed 20 million human beings; including 14.5 million were starved to death. Mao Tse Tsung of China killed 14 to 20 million human beings. He was Non Muslim. Benito Mussolini of Italy killed 400,000 human beings. Maximilin Robespierre during the French revolution starved and tortured 200,000 people to death and executed 40,000 people. Ashoka in one battle of Kalinga alone killed more than 100,000 people. He was a Hindu. Saddam Hussein killed a few 100 thousands people. But the embargo put by George Bush and the USA alone killed more than half a million Iraqi children. In Indonesia, Muhammad Suharto killed 500,000 people. This is nothing compared to Hitler or uncle Joe nothing compare to Mao TSE sung each individual will put the Muslims to shame. I am not trying to say that these individual they were religious. If they would have religious then they would not have committed such acts. But yet we find in the international media that the Muslims are called as fundamentalist, extremists and terrorists. The American Revolution took place in the 19th century. According to the British Government the terrorist No. 1 that time was Benjamin Franklin and George Washington. Views of worlds famous personalities The President of Venezuela, Hugo Chavez says, The biggest terrorist in the world is George bush. The President Elect of Bolivia, Evo Morales, he says that George Bush is a terrorist. Famous singer and activist of America, Harry Bellefonte says that the biggest terrorist in the world is George Bush. An MP in UK by the name of George Galloway he said, The blood that is on the hands of George Bush and Tony Blair is much more than the bombers who have done bombing in London. It will be justified that a suicide bomber goes and kill Tony Blair without injuring any other human being. This is type of suicide bombing will be justified. Former Chief Minister of West Bengal, Jyoti Basu said, The biggest terrorist in the world is George Bush. Noble prize winner for Peace, Betty Williams said, I would love to kill George Bush. Solution to terrorism Mahatma Gandhi: People should not take the law in their hand and kill other human being. Mahatma Gandhi said, If India has to improve it should be ruled by a dictator as honest and upright as Hadrat Umar (The Caliph of Islam). this is short form of real artical. too see more example like that go their.... ­facebook/­PacForWorld
Posted on: Mon, 11 Aug 2014 14:05:11 +0000

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