Is The Muslim Messiah The Biblical Antichrist? November 11, - TopicsExpress


Is The Muslim Messiah The Biblical Antichrist? November 11, 2014 | Debbie Smith Share this article -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stepping onto the world scene, in the not too distant future, will be a man of great influence, power, presence, and diplomacy, promising peace amid the chaos and conflict that dominate life on planet earth. Likely, the reader has heard of this coming world ruler, for in fact, the two largest monotheistic religions predict, in their separate holy books; the Bible and the Quran, the arrival of this future ruler. The evidence is compelling that these two men; one revered by the Quran, the other abhorred in the Bible, are actually one in the same. If this is true, then could it also be that the appearance of the coming world ruler will be in a place not previously thought and under circumstances that may surprise most of us? According to Bible teacher, author, and documentary film maker, Joel Richardson, the similarities between the Islamic messianic figure, Mahdi (meaning Guided One), and the Biblical Antichrist are unmistakable, and deserve consideration by those watching for the appearance of this future world leader. While this premise is controversial among scholars, it has been affirmed by noted Bible teachers like; Walid Shoebat, Avi Lipkin, and Dr. John McArthur, who teaches that the Anti-Christ of the Bible is the Messiah of Islam. The Mahdi and the Antichrist are both the associated with an End Times scenario. Both are said to possess great political and military prowess, and both will institute a one world religion and government. Both the Biblical Antichrist and the Mahdi will ride upon a white horse as a conquering king, possessing supernatural power and receiving worshipful adoration by the masses, followed by the establishment of a seven year peace treaty with the Jews, promising peace and prosperity but delivering the greatest slaughter of Jews in history. These are but a few of the similarities between the two. Joel Richardson, in his books” The Islamic Antichrist” and “The Mideast Beast,” details the extensive parallels between the two and identifying features of the Mahdi. Because most scholars have studied the Bible from a Western perspective, Richardson suggests that studying the Bible as an Eastern book reveals a more accurate representation of the fulfillment of End Time’s prophecy, and even the location from which the arrival of this Mahdi or Islamic Messiah will occur. That the Islamic world is anticipating this Mahdi , is demonstrated by a recent documentary “End Times Eyewitness”, produced by WND films and directed by Joel Richardson, wherein he interviews Adnan Oktar, a popular television personality and prolific Turkish Muslim author, concerning the expectations of Muslims during the End Times. In this interview, Adnan Oktar affirms that Muslims are not only anticipating the arrival of the Mahdi, they are also awaiting the arrival of Isa, or the Islamic version of Jesus. According to Islamic doctrine, this Isa will tell the world that he was neither, crucified or resurrected, and that he is not the Son of God but has become a Muslim prophet. Isa’s role in the End Times scenario will be to evangelize for Allah and convert the world to Islam. Assisting him in this conversion work will be the “djinn” (English translated “genie”) or supernatural beings with whom the Mahdi will be able to communicate and lead to accomplish his purpose of worldwide conversion to Islam. Oktar believes that Mahdi and Isa may already be walking the earth today, awaiting the time of their unveiling. And where do Oktar, a Sunni Muslim, and according to Oktar, Shiite Muslim leaders in Iran, predict the Mahdi will appear? Istanbul, Turkey. Based upon Islamic prediction, the Mahdi is to appear between 1400 and 1500 on the Hijri calendar, the current year is 1435 on that calendar, coupling this with predictive verses in the Christian gospels, has led Oktar to believe Isa is now walking among us. Adnan Oktar, has the ear of President Erdogan of Turkey, according to Richardson, and operates as a Rasputin type advisor to the President. Turkey under Erdogan’s leadership, has seen a lessening of its ties to the west and to NATO, and seems poised to intensify its power and influence in the predominantly Islamic Middle East. Reportedly, Turkey is helping to finance ISIS through oil purchases, and has refused use of its airbases during bombing raids on the terrorist group, and according to Richardson, ISIS actually serves as Turkey’s proxy in its greater war against Iran and Syria’s Bashar Al Assad. Predicting an intensification of the conflict involving ISIS, Richardson sees Iran’s eventual entrance into the war, to protect holy sites in Iraq that may be threatened by ISIS. Though not sure about the timing, he does see an increased conflict between Turkey and Iran on the horizon, as Turkey seeks to establish an Islamic Caliphate, and possibly a restoration of the Ottoman-Turkish Empire, under the presidency of Erdogan. Walid Shoebat, a former PLO terrorist, who converted to Christianity, is an Islamic expert, who has since warned the western world of the intent of Islam to establish a caliphate, also points to Erdogan’s aspirations to establish a “New Turkey” which will move away from the EU and focus its intentions on China, Russia, and the former Soviet republics. Like Richardson, Shoebat believes that this shift in Turkey’s aspirations also indicates a shift in where Bible prophecy students should focus their attention, remembering that the Roman Empire, from which the Biblical Antichrist will emerge, actually had two legs, the Western, and the Eastern, based in Constantinople or present day Istanbul. The later of which lasted 1,000 years longer than the Western Empire. Joel Richardsons End Times Eyewitness DVD is available from Prophecy News Watch here Read more at prophecynewswatch/2014/November11/111.html#MHfXZ4lUK4pFoR3p.99
Posted on: Wed, 12 Nov 2014 00:15:33 +0000

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