Is There A Way Out? -By Allen Wadsworth My harvest is - TopicsExpress


Is There A Way Out? -By Allen Wadsworth My harvest is coming, and there be no course of action able to deter it. What I have sown I must reap. The words I twist, the actions I botch, the testimonies I poison. To be declared unworthy and useless would be the greatest understatement of my time. I have lost my heading and now drift aimlessly in my foolishness. Inescapable it shall antagonize me through all time. It’s arrogant expressions, it’s haughty airs, it’s naïve approach to life: these plague my character, corrupting the pureness planted within. I am hopeless, irreversible, and shattered. Shards scattered are all I see of my strength and will. I am reaching, but cannot grasp that unattainable cleft of wisdom. O, how I lack it! O, how I crave it! O, how oft’ I squander it. Like the chaff in the wind; like the sand swayed by the ocean; like the fool knowingly bribed to foolishness. With just a spark my impulses sow these wild oats. A simple nudge knocks down my weak will. What to do? What to correct? What to say and to say not? How does one gain control? How will I ever get back to the center of the road? When will I ever stop regretting that glance into the mirror? How does a chaste person take pride in his good and wise actions? Must every lesson in life be learned through experience? Is there a better way out? Is there any way out? I have nowhere to turn and nowhere to run. My searching is frivolous, and my strength has failed me. I have failed myself. What, You say? There is hope? Yes, You are correct! I see now His hands of Divinity have been holding my sad, pitiful state this whole time. His heart, not only made of pure, solid love, but is true love’s only Source. The Source! The Solution! I have found what I have always had! That Presence has ever surrounded my soul -- that pure Peace of righteousness and forgiveness. Many years ago He took my foolish sins, became them for me paid them, and banished them forever from His remembrance. Peace, forgiveness, love, wisdom, longsuffering, faith: all of these and so much more has He bestowed upon this restless, unforgiving, hateful, foolish, impatient, unbelieving wretch that I am! But I am this old man no longer, but a joint heir, a prince, a son of the Resurrected God of Heaven! “Nevertheless God, that comforteth those that are cast down….” (II Cor. 7:6)
Posted on: Mon, 21 Oct 2013 03:20:53 +0000

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