Is There Spy Software on My Cell Phone – How to Detect if You - TopicsExpress


Is There Spy Software on My Cell Phone – How to Detect if You are Being Monitored With banking, e-mail, and various other sensitive data now passing through our smartphone and tablet devices, it is of paramount importance that you arm them against the unscrupulous individuals behind the malware, so be sure to buy. Nowadays, anyone who has access to your cell phone can easily install a spyware software and monitor your calls, SMS messages, WhatsApp and even your location..... So you think someone might be spying on your cell phone and you want to know how you can tell. Are there any tell tale signs that your phone is being Tapped, Bugged or Monitored by spy software? I’ll go over a few things you can look out for and you don’t need to be a tech wizard to use them – just have a keen eye and an open mind. Cell phone spy software programs are becoming more and more popular but for every one sold – there is a victim being monitored – often without their knowledge. If you think you are a victim of spyware there are a few things you can do to protect yourself but first you need to find out if you are actually being spied on. Learn What Spy Software Can Do Do some homework and know what you are up against! The truth is that most people don’t have a clue how powerful modern spy apps are and how available and easy to use they are. If you think someone is spying on your cell phone you need to get familiar with some of the main products available. you need to know what they are capable of and how they work. This will help in the process of knowing what to look for. Paranoia vs. Facts? Here’s the problem – when you suspect that you are being monitored, you can become paranoid – it’s natural I guess – but it can cloud your judgment. Do you have good reasons to believe you are being monitored – or is your cell phone just playing up a bit? I’m going to list a few signs which can be linked to spy software on your phone. It’s important to know that some of these signs can be caused by other things. Don’t look at one and think – that’s it I’m being spied on. Look at them all and rule out other possible causes. If your phone displays several of these then you might have cause for concern. Look for Changes in Phone Behavior This is often your first hint that something is wrong. You are looking for sudden changes in your phone’s behavior . Things like: Battery Drain – is your phone battery running down faster than normal? This used to be a really strong indicator. Spy apps used to really hog the phones battery and cause serious drain but the modern programs have largely addressed this issue. If someone is spying on you with older software, you might notice a sudden deterioration in battery life. Your Battery Temperature One indicator of a possible phone tap is the temperature of your battery. Feel your cell phone if you haven’t used it for a while. If it feels warm, this means your phone could be still in use, even if you are not on a call. Please note however that heat may be from overuse. Your battery being hot is only a potential sign if your phone has been powered down for a while. Strange Background Noise – some software programs can listen to and record your calls. This works by adding them as “a conference call” – but this can lead to you being able to hear strange background noise. Of course we have all had this with a bad connection but if it is happening all the time you could have spy software on your phone. Random Start or Shutdown some spy software apps can cause the phone to light up as if it is in use or even to shut down by itself. Look for this happening on a regular basis not just a one off. Again the good programs will not exhibit this behavior. Receiving Strange SMS Texts are you regularly getting odd looking text messages, usually with just numbers and symbols? Some programs use sms texts to issue commands to the target cell phone and if they are not configured properly you might see these messages coming through. Higher Data Use. is your data usage suddenly getting high? Spy programs send logs of your phone use to online servers using your own data plan. Older apps used to be really heavy on data transfers but again the best spy software apps have changed how this is handled. The data transfers are now smaller and most people don’t have itemized data billing – so it’s getting harder to spot. If they are uploading large files like videos from your cell phone – data use could still be noticeable. Check the Cell Phone Files If you are a little more advanced it is sometimes possible to find spy software by looking inside the actual files on the phone. If you go to Settings – Applications – Manage Applications or Running Services , you may be able to spot suspicious looking files. Good Spy programs usually disguise the file names so that they don’t stand out but sometimes they may contain terms like Spy, Monitor or Stealth etc. Not everyone is comfortable getting inside the phones file system but if you are only looking for any confirmation you won’t do any damage to the phone. I wouldn’t recommend removing or deleting any files unless you really know what you are doing. What Now? As the main spy app providers become more sophisticated it is becoming more difficult to detect spy software on your cell phone. They quickly recognized the more obvious signs and worked to remove these issues. Some of the poorer quality software programs are still quite easy for anyone to spot. If you really do believe that someone is monitoring or bugging your cell phone – you need to take action. The good news is that it is easy to remove spy software and also protect your phone going forward. You need our antispy software that helps you scan and delete any dangerous spy software already in your device. Our antidote software also protects your phones future by restricting any attempts topsy on your device. For just KES 5 000, Protect your company and personal data.
Posted on: Fri, 11 Jul 2014 03:35:07 +0000

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