Is This Coffee Shop Doing Outreach Better Than Your Church? by - TopicsExpress


Is This Coffee Shop Doing Outreach Better Than Your Church? by Ron Edmondson I believe the church is to be a cultural change agent in our communities, but the truth is that many coffee shops have taken some of that responsibility. Starbucks supposedly began trying to be the “Third Place” for the community. Borrowing from a sociological theory by Roy Oldenburg of everyone wanting a place besides home and work in which to feel welcome, Starbucks has become the “Cheers” place where, if I come often enough, everyone knows my name. There was even a sign in Starbucks recently inviting customers to serve the community with them. The church I pastor has a Gather, Grow and Serve strategy of discipleship. Starbucks appears to capture two of those attempts. Regardless of whether you believe coffee shops can change culture, the newest one in Lexington, Ky., raises the bar in a coffee shop experience. And frankly, I believe they are better engaging the community with their mission than many churches are with theirs. Personally, I believe every church, every business, every pastor, every leader can learn something from this coffee shop experience. A Cup of Commonwealth opened recently in Lexington. I frequent a lot of coffee shops, but I was out of town the week they opened. I caught them in their second week. Wow! They blew me away with the excitement and energy they have rapidly created. Owners Salvador Sanchez and Chris Ortez impressed me greatly. Here are a few observations: 1. They know their stuff. Coffee 101 or not, this is coffee expertise at work. One of the owners, Salvador, told me he had been to Central America to tour coffee productions. They spoke the coffee language (which I don’t, but many do). 2. They created an experience. It was an enthusiastic atmosphere. The place was enjoyable. They joked with customers. They had unique offerings. Apparently things have changed just since they opened with some of their decor. 3. They have vision. It is clear they want to provide exceptional coffee in a way that engages the community. Nothing appeared to distract them from this vision. 4. They acclimated first-timers. Every time someone entered the door, if they didn’t know them, they took them through a mini tour of the experience. It wasn’t a canned presentation, but it provided the basic information one would need to understand the uniqueness of this place. 5. They engaged comfortably. They made everyone feel welcome, but they seemed to interact with you depending on your level of interest. If you simply wanted a cup of coffee, they learned soon enough to leave you alone, but if you wanted someone to talk to, you got that also. 6. They followed through. The next day, they connected with me on Facebook. They actually “liked” some of my posts. 7. They provided quick entry to feel a part of the vision. The most unique item was their “Pay It Forward” board. A large, handwritten piece of paper hangs on the wall. It contains drink orders prepaid for future customers. You can take one or add one. You can make up unique requirements for the type person you are looking to bless. (An attorney. A homeless person. Someone willing to sing a song, etc.) I bought a large cup of coffee for someone besides my own. In 10 days, I was told they’d been through four of these large pieces of paper. It was interesting to watch how quickly customers were engaging in something exciting, something unique, something they felt gives back to the community. Of course, the key to all this will be whether or not they can sustain this energy. Apparently, when I entered 10 days after opening, the two owners were the only employees. They are new and excited. If they can maintain it, however, I believe they have a very successful business model. But I’m not in the coffee business. I am a church leader. I always want to be learning how I can do what I do better. And honestly, I learned some things from this coffee shop experience. Anything jump out at you that could improve what you do at your church?
Posted on: Tue, 06 Aug 2013 18:07:53 +0000

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