Is This Your Pastor(True Story): You are everything that is wrong - TopicsExpress


Is This Your Pastor(True Story): You are everything that is wrong with the church, & why many people who seek a better understanding & relationship with God get side tracked or turned off & become anti-religon. Its because of the hypocrisy & corruption of people like you, & many of the other power & money driven church leaders who talk the talk but dont walk the walk, & live with their Demons & alternative lifestyles secretly. You are a product of one of the most powerful church families in the Hampton Roads Area. You travel the world & study abroad to solidify your credentials. However, none of that has led you to be honorable & a true man of God in front of your peers & congregation. How would your peers & congregation(s) feel if they knew you & your father who they worship, did all you could to try & destroy a young womans life, her worth, & the life of the child that you fathered with her illegitametly. How would your peers & congregation feel, if they knew you went to court secretly & was found to be 99.999% to be the father of a child that you never wanted to see living & breathing, & instead of being accepting. You relinquished your parental rights, to remove yourself from all responsibility, & to allow another man to be the father to your baby. Your family makes millions, & to protect that & your reputation, you as well as your family saw fit to blame the woman for what you chose to do with your penis. Some how you became the victim & the woman(whos not innocent) you pursued vigorously & saw for over a year, became a gold digger even though to this day she has never asked you for any money, & has done nothing to damage you or your familys reputation in private or publicly. She could single handily bring you & your ministry down to its knees, but yet she chooses to be strong & protective of her child, & allow God to deal with you in his own timing. Sounds like she is more of a Woman, than a man you could ever be. Her focus is loving & taking care of the child that you helped her conceive, & to make sure that child doesnt grow-up to be irresponsible, a liar & a fraud like their daddy. Your wife handles the situation in a way that is to be expected, I guess the lifestyle & the title & attention of being the first lady is much to much to part ways with... even though she knows you have issues with being accountable & committed. I guess perception for some is more important than reality. Your New Years Eve message appears to have resonated with a lot of people, however I hope those who received it, will be able to do a better job of living it than the one who was preaching it. My message to the readers is this; focus your worship experience(s) on God, & not on people & or your church leaders. Because its only a matter of time before this pastors hypocrisy is publicly known information, & it wouldnt be fair to God that because of a man, church members lose their Faith in the true King of Kings & what true ministry is in the Kingdom©~ LeVar A. Bowers ***This is not an indictment on all ministers, because I know many who take the role God has given them seriously.
Posted on: Sat, 03 Jan 2015 00:07:53 +0000

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