Is Twitter a threat to national security? Over the past two - TopicsExpress


Is Twitter a threat to national security? Over the past two weeks, a National Security Council staffer was fired for tweeting anonymous personal attacks on colleagues; a former high-ranking U.S. intelligence official had his private conversations published on Twitter by an activist who overheard him on a train; and hackers from the Syrian Electronic Army redirected a pair of tweets from President Obama’s account to YouTube. (Office of the Director of National Intelligence) - This is the logo for eChirp, the internal micro-blogging system used by the Office of the Director of National Intelligence. The project, which started as a pilot program in 2009 and expanded to the entire U.S. intelligence community in 2010, allows analysts to react to breaking news and weigh in on policy debates in real time. The incidents — perhaps more embarrassing than damaging — served to underscore the uneasy relationship between the national security community and social media. At the White House and the National Security Council, most staffers are not permitted to access Twitter, Facebook and other social media sites from their office computers or government-issued mobile phones. Administration officials said the restrictions are aimed at preventing staffers from downloading malware onto government networks or accidentally uploading sensitive material onto public networks. The rules also serve to discourage White House aides from conducting business on networks that will not archive their communications as required under the Presidential Records Act. Only those staffers who need access as part of their official responsibilities, such as the press division, are permitted to log in from the office, said White House spokesman Eric Schultz, who is among the few with an official Twitter account. washingtonpost/politics/for-the-national-security-and-social-media-communities-a-delicate-relationship-persists/2013/11/01/5aacd098-40ba-11e3-a751-f032898f2dbc_story.html?Post+generic=%3Ftid%3Dsm_twitter_washingtonpost
Posted on: Sat, 02 Nov 2013 02:15:26 +0000

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