Is VMOBILE a scam? So now youve been hearing a lot about - TopicsExpress


Is VMOBILE a scam? So now youve been hearing a lot about VMobile and how you are promised to be able to earn P30k/day or even millions. But is it all true? Let us clarify what this is, if this is a scam, or something legitimate for you to make money on. Is VMobile considered multi-level marketing? Yes. You need to network consistently to make the most as with other MLMs out there. The objective though, isnt only to recruit a lot of people, but to invite them to use the product at hand. What is the product involved? The great thing about VMobile is its practicality. VMobiles products consist mainly of things we use every day - prepaid load from cellphones, to game cards, to internet cards, and so on. Chances are, if you join the network, youll use the discount on the products because youre already consuming them, unlike beauty products. Is this a pyramid scheme? Yes and no. It is a pyramid-type of system but saying its a scheme may give it a negative feel. The VMobile system does utilize a pyramid-like build but its not something to be afraid of. The system is made to distribute the money evenly and share the profit to members down the line. Is this a registered business? Whats great about VMobile is the fact that they have business permits. So yes, this is an actual 100% legitimate business which houses and office in the busy office district of Ortigas. Can I make money doing nothing? The thing about this is that it matters if youve already planted a good seed in your network. If you already managed to create a momentum wherein your downline moves on its own, then yes, you can make money doing nothing as long as thats happening. But if you just joined and hope that joining alone will make you money, then it would be better to take your money elsewhere, buy a yourself a meal at Jollibee or something worth than simply throwing your money away and be lazy. Can you really earn so much? It depends on your effort. If you work a lot on it, you will earn and be compensated accordingly. It all boils down to whether you are working for it or not. Lets put it this way, a normal minimum wage person can earn at least P400/day, P2k/work week. If you want to, you can earn 2k/day if you know what youre doing. So have people actually earned millions? VMobile has created whats known as the MClub, Millionaires Club if expounded. The purpose of this is to showcase people whove accumulated at least a million pesos worth of earnings in their system. So yes, people have. Are these people who earn real? Another great feature of joining this network is actually meeting people whove earned so much. They personally tell you about their experience and their techniques on how they personally managed to gather so much. And yeah if you need cheques as proof, they have it all filed up. Will this business die soon? The promise of VMobile is this way: as long as people use prepaid, chances are VMobile will utilize that need to use to sustain its survival. Whats the catch? There is a catch, and let me break it to you now. Theres a limit on how much you can earn depending on how many accounts you own. Per account, the maximum earning per day is P30k/day. So if you managed to get one account, maximize its potential, and come to a point where you supposedly earn P35k/day, the P5k will be void. But that only means that VMobile has foreseen possibilities that earning too much can cause the system to become unstable and collapse, so people should be happy theres a limit. This limit also hinders the thought that people who came in and joined first will earn more, primarily because both of you will have the same earning ceiling. What are the chances of earning ASAP? Theres about 80% chance youd be successful in this if you do it right. The 20% is a good margin for the laziness thats about to rise upon joining, as well as the pride you have in tact, mainly because not a lot of people would be ready to go out and claim themselves as networkers. Remember that this is a networking game, and you need to be vocal about networking and inviting people to join and be involved in your business to be successful. JOIN US NOW! vmobileteamtitans/dianaechevere
Posted on: Wed, 07 May 2014 08:29:57 +0000

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