Is Weight Loss Your New Year’s Resolution? This week is the - TopicsExpress


Is Weight Loss Your New Year’s Resolution? This week is the time of the year when plenty of folks will be getting together to usher in the New Year. Many will be lining up clothes from their closet, trying to figure out which one to wear; once done choosing their outfit they will try it out only to realize that it no longer fits. So, now they will head to the store trying on sizes that haven’t fit for years and as reality sets it, that all famous yearly resolution will pop up: 2015 is the year I shed the pounds. Now, how many of you have been there and “tried to do” that? How many of you signed up for a gym because of their convenient “end-of-year specials”? If this is one of your goals for the New Year, I have a few tips to help you achieve it. 1) Years ago, a friend shared this quote with me “One who fails to plan, plans to fail”. In this case, the objective is to plan out not the just the first couple of weeks but the entire year. Get you a cheap composition book and start putting together your blueprint: What is your target body weight? Your target body fat %? What time of the day would be best to exercise? Or what kind of diet is best for me? 2) Research shows that friends who participate in common activities, have higher rates of success in completing tasks. Find a friend or two, no more than three, with similar goals. Get together and agree on the plan that needs to be executed in order for all of you to benefit. You will keep yourselves accountable, and encourage one another especially when one wants to give up. 3) Before you jump into some workout routine or follow some popular diet, it would be wise to add a body cleanse to your blueprint. Why, you may ask; well for the same reasons why you would do a full tune up on your car before going on a long road trip. This can be done in several ways such as fasting, following a detox plan, or simply cutting all processed foods from your diet. 4) Rome wasn’t built in one day nor did you put on fat overnight. Patience will be key throughout this process. No matter how many infomercials you hear or watch, there are no magic pills for losing weight. It will require dedication and discipline on your part. See this as a marathon and not a sprint. The future always seems far away until it becomes the past. 5) Make sure to have fun. While on this mission, enjoy the journey and forget about the destination. Don’t set yourself up for failure with goals that are too difficult to complete. Too many times people quit because they overdo it by making drastic changes to their diets or exercising to the point of injuring themselves. Have A Happy New You!!!
Posted on: Mon, 29 Dec 2014 18:46:37 +0000

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