Is Your Business Still Relevant? Or Is It Fast Becoming A - TopicsExpress


Is Your Business Still Relevant? Or Is It Fast Becoming A Has-Been? You’ve probably heard the expression “know, like and trust”. It’s often quoted as a prerequisite for converting prospects into customers (providing you have a great offer in place). But even if you have an irresistible offer and the people you reach do know, like and trust you – they won’t necessarily buy from you, if they don’t see you as a “relevant” player in your market. What does that mean? They have to believe that you are the absolute best option for them. The world is changing so fast and if you don’t keep up with technology, you can be seen as outdated really quickly. And that’s what will leave your prospect thinking that you are no longer relevant. For example, let’s say you have a travel insurance company. Where do you reach your customers now that most of the old fashioned brick & mortar travel agencies are barely scraping by? Do you go where your customers ultimately are hanging out – online on travel sites such as Expedia and TripAdviser? Do you have a Facebook page featuring the must-see landmarks of popular destinations you normally sell insurance for? Are you available on Twitter to answer any customer queries and help travellers in need? Now you might be thinking: what does that have to do with selling insurance? The answer is simple: it has everything to do with it. You see, most people consume “content” online. They gather on Facebook, Instragram and other social networks to connect with their friends and exchange vacation photos and even show videos about their vacation. Did you know that you can make use of this and serve ads to these people, targeted only to those that are most likely to buy? You can also create free content that will help them make better choices around their travel -whether it’s hotel bookings, car rentals, places to see… Click on the image to read more...
Posted on: Sun, 28 Dec 2014 09:21:35 +0000

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