Is a fish a mammal because it momentarily was on dry ground - TopicsExpress


Is a fish a mammal because it momentarily was on dry ground gasping for water? No. Why? Because breathing air is not in their nature. Can a saint be a sinner because they have sinned? No. Why? Because sinning is not their nature. If a sinner does a righteous act does it make them righteous? No. because its not their nature to be righteous. How many sins did I commit to make me a sinner? Zero. Adam sinned once and I was included. How many acts of obedience did I do to make me righteous? Zero. It was Jesus act of obedience to die on the cross that included me in his righteousness. Romans 5. If we believe that we have to add the work of repenting (as in the narrow definition of: stop doing bad things) to be saved, we nullify a finished work to appease our guilty conscience. -we have yet to learn that the blood alone cleanses our conscience. We repent because we have been forgiven already. Our repentance (changing of our mind and behavior follows) is a fruit of being convinced of His love and forgiveness. This is why renewing our minds(metanoia, repenting) is a life long process. Everyday we are experiencing and growing more in our understanding of His love. Dont use repentance as work to get forgiven. You are forgiven. Believe it and change your mind(repent) accordingly. Metanoia; to changes ones mind to agree with what God says. A heart transformation resulting in a change of behavior.
Posted on: Thu, 03 Jul 2014 01:11:20 +0000

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