Is a man who is tall happy? Świetny animowany film o Noamie - TopicsExpress


Is a man who is tall happy? Świetny animowany film o Noamie Chomskim. >>What makes you happy? Happy? Children, grandchildren, friends, you know. I dont really think about it much. I dont spend much -- any time in self-indulgence, especially since my wife died. I do almost nothing -- dont go to the movies, dont go to the theater, dont eat out. I do what I have to do. Mm. [ Whirring ] But, I mean, there are a lot of things that are very gratifying. So, for example, especially seeing victims -- like, I just came back from Turkey, where I was -- Ive been there several times. And this -- its always issues related to the repression of the Kurds, which I was there one -- the first time I was there, it was to take part in a trial and be a co-defendant. But, this time, it was for a conference on repression and freedom of expression. You see people who are really dedicated, courageous, struggling all the time, standing up against repression. Its quite inspiring. A couple of months before that, I was in Southern Colombia. And Colombia has the worst human-rights record in the hemisphere, and, of course, the most U.S. military aid in the hemisphere -- they correlate. These places I was visiting -- quite remote endangered villages -- and the people were just inspiring. Actually, it was a very moving experience, personally. I was there in part because they were dedicating a forest to the memory of my wife. And its the kind of compassion and kindness that you just dont see in the world we live in. And it was just kind of natural -- no pretentiousness about the ceremony. And you -- you see things like that all over -- all over the world here, too... >> Mm-hmm. ...not much in the circles in which we live -- you know, elite, intellectual circles. >> Yeah. ...much more abstract, even, than the case of the tree. There was a sudden explosion. The answers to, like, the phonetics, I dont care about. My father worked on history of the semitic languages. During the early exposure, where the child is not... We learn that children know quite a lot...
Posted on: Mon, 17 Mar 2014 20:44:24 +0000

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