Is a negative, depressed, anxious or fearful personality inherited - TopicsExpress


Is a negative, depressed, anxious or fearful personality inherited genetically or is it taught? (This is gonna be a long one folks, sorry!) I watched a brilliant show on SBS last night called Dont Worry, Be Happy which went some way to explaining this whole thing. It broke the phenomenon down into two main components, epigenetics (the fact that we may be dealt certain genes, but its up to the environment as to whether they are switched on or off) and brain training (or in a nutshell, positive thinking). To rein myself in with a HUGE amount of strength (this topic is incredibly interesting to me) I will just say that basically, he undertook two simple procedures for 7 weeks, one was a daily meditation practice for 10-20 minutes and one was an exercise in which a panel of about 20 faces were flashed up in front of him and he had to pick the one happy face out of the other 19 scowlers. The meditation was to calm his nerves and to re-balance his right/left frontal cortex brainwaves and the photos I guess where just to train him to actually LOOK for the happy instead of focusing on the negative. Anyway after 7 weeks of doing these two simple exercises (with much scepticism on his part) they re-tested his brain and he had actually physically changed his brainwaves and sub-conscious reactions to show that he was less fearful, negative, stressed and anxious and that he was now subconsciously focusing on the happy instead of sad. He felt better, more cheerful and more importantly, was starting to sleep well after being a chronic insomniac his whole life. The only catch is its like exercise, you have to keep doing it or youll go back to your old ways. So, I am feeling wholly and 1 million percent vindicated now as I have believed all along that if you FOCUS on the good stuff, you will FIND the good stuff (and it will find YOU!). If you keep looking for the worst in people, the negative, the meanness and misery, guess what youll find?? Yep, exactly that. As you think, so shall it be. So, be the first to smile at someone and they will smile back. Be the first to offer a compliment and you may get one back. Be the first to offer a seat, chair, spot in line, some cash to a friend in need or help someone out of a pickle and one day someone may do the same for you. And if they dont, it doesnt matter. Its not about doing something to get something back. You can be the first to feel good knowing that you may have made an anxious, fearful, negative or depressed person smile today and given them that one happy face to focus on out of the 19 scowlers!!! :) :) :)
Posted on: Tue, 05 Aug 2014 02:06:09 +0000

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