Is adding an allonge to a note after a nonjudicial foreclosure has - TopicsExpress


Is adding an allonge to a note after a nonjudicial foreclosure has begun, a forgery? See the full case files, over 35 in all - (more)... RCW 9A.60.020 Forgery. (1) A person is guilty of forgery if, with intent to injure or defraud: (a) He or she falsely makes, completes, or alters a written instrument or; (b) He or she possesses, utters, offers, disposes of, or puts off as true a written instrument which he or she knows to be forged. (2) In a proceeding under this section that is related to an identity theft under RCW 9.35.020, the crime will be considered to have been committed in any locality where the person whose means of identification or financial information was appropriated resides, or in which any part of the offense took place, regardless of whether the defendant was ever actually in that locality. (3) Forgery is a class C felony. When the plaintiff first requested the allonge, it was not given. When Stafne Trumbull asked for it, it was not given. Three-ring indexing marks and copy watermarks between the Note, the Allonge and other documents are clearly dissimilar. It has never been clear if the documents were ever together until the filing of motion for summary judgment. See the full case files, over 35 in all - (more)...
Posted on: Fri, 30 May 2014 20:35:58 +0000

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