Is anyone standing up for the Domestic Violence Victims in this - TopicsExpress


Is anyone standing up for the Domestic Violence Victims in this scenario when I read this speech it spoke to the mans humiliation, the humiliation, the humiliation.... Women who are losing custody to dangerous men are not worried about their egos. They may feel some humiliation but there is real fear for the childrens safety, and well being. The children we gave birth to are being ripped from our arms and you can blame a system built on profit that rewards the bullies,and professionals fanning the fire for increased billable hours but it comes down to a system that is not trauma informed and corrupt built on Patriarchal rules and archaic values that place men above women rights and treat children as property. These are civil order driven by aggressive litigation. This film and Mr Sorges claims, There is an epidemic of false allegations by mothers alleging child abuse and DV. There is no fact behind this propaganda, only the same tactics found in the MRA/FR groups. In states where we have shared custody for 20 years these events continue because judges are not following the law. We need accountability and transparent in our courts, the fact that perpetrators get custody 85% of the time should be part of your discussion and because you dont address these very real issues of abuse, it really says a lot about the purpose and direction of your movement. There is no question that this is a Father Rights-driven agenda, no matter how Mr. Sorges tries to say it isnt. Pushing presumptive equal parenting and parental alienation makes this very clear. In DC we have been asking for support for children of abuse for many years where are you all? why is it the humiliation of being ordered child support is the most pressing problem from the leadership?. As part of the propaganda they are taking out of context facts are many men opt out of their childrens lives and they are including this in their claim, 10 million kids live without a dad, 2 million live without a mom and countless more have their access limited because limited access is a cash cow in America. Totally agree that Limiting access is a cash cow and we are funding a that is helping fathers in courts to a have access to their children while removing mothers. They are placing good mothers on supervised visitation to bring in that cash for making good faith reports of abuse, and being punished. These same angry fathers then file for child support. We are concerned that you do not represent the Mothers who strive to protect their children and are commonly removed partially or completely from their children’s lives. Some 58,000 Child victims a year are taken from safe mothers and placed with known perpetrators. Thats 20 million over the last 20 years of reporting and this is a conservative estimate that addresses family courts, it must be said that there is a sizable number of cases seen in dependency cases that are not part of this estimate. Why are women falling in step. Failing to see that Like most of the father rights groups they change the names of the groups to mirror advocacy groups for victims rights, making neutral gender, copying Domestic Violence fundraisers to our Lost kids... Believing that we increase our chance of changing the system by bolstering our numbers.....we are bolstering their plan for more control and power in the courts not protection for womens rights and childrens protection. Walk for lost Kids is a Father rights scam - Speech from the US Capitol. No time to rest. Working on next steps.ae5050/walk/2014/11/21/
Posted on: Fri, 21 Nov 2014 23:36:25 +0000

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