Is fear innate (inborn) or is it learned (breed)? If its learned, - TopicsExpress


Is fear innate (inborn) or is it learned (breed)? If its learned, can we unlearn it? Or does it require a life time of management? Is fear inoculation a real thing? Is fear defined by the fear of another? And do they attempt to make their fear, yours? Is fear external or internal? Is one worse than the other? Do you own one, or a slave to the other? Or damned by both? Who amongst us can responsibly tell another that if they are not afraid, that they are either lying or crazy. Or is it more a projection of ones own fear(s) unto another? (Hell Im afraid of it, you gotta be) And negative ego that attempts to denigrate the lack of fear in another? If two folk run into a burning building - ones afraid and the other is not - because of training, experience or one is just a pyro. Is the one that was afraid braver than the one that was not afraid? If one of the two refuses to run into a collapsing building, one does go into the building and dies. Does that make the one that DECIDED not to, a coward? And lets not confuse fear of a thing, person, event, place or activity with the fear of losing a love one or a loved thing.
Posted on: Tue, 02 Sep 2014 17:41:58 +0000

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