Is he the one? Part Three Motunrayo’s journey in the choice of a - TopicsExpress


Is he the one? Part Three Motunrayo’s journey in the choice of a marital partner. Motunrayo visted the marriage counsellor as she has purposed to do. She couldn’t think straight any longer... God cannot be boxed into a corner, He is a sovereign God and He doesn’t work according to a set pattern: that’s why He is called a marvellous and a mysterious God so unsearchable in all His ways. He can provide DIFFERENT SOLUTION for the SAME PROBLEM for different people. He deals with each person differently. God often guides us through PORTIONS OF THE SCRIPTURES (That’s the very reason why you need to be conversant with the word of God and keep it in your heart.) Psalms119:105 So my dear Motunrayo, do not close your eyes and POINT or CHOOSE A MATE AT RANDOM. God doesn’t act haphazardly. My dear I encourage you to saturate yourself with the word of God so that the Lord can bring various portions to your mind as the need arises. God’s will is never CONTRARY to the SCRIPTURE. My sister, other vital points I will like to stress is that God uses INNER CONVICTION/PEACE/JOY within you to speak to you as a direction in any matter you are awaiting His guidance, dreams and vision, PROPHECY FROM A RELIABLE minister, EVENTS & OCCURRENCES too in knowing His will for you. Motunrayo, I PERCEIVED IN MY SPIRIT that in your case, seeing that you have been through some of those communication system, BE SENSITIVE TO THE EVENTS/ HAPPENINGS that will unfold between you and brother Jewel over time and be at alert in your spirit man, pray and God will guide you to decide. Please don’t you ever think that God will talk to you in a deep masculine voice and say… *My daughter this is your husband*. They both laughed. Thank you sir, I do appreciate your time and counsel. Motunrayo said God bless you my sister. The counsellor replied. In the middle of Motunrayo’s Youth Service she travelled to her State to visit her family. One day, her uncle’s wife who is a minister was just praying for her, the woman bluntly said… “You are yet to meet your husband, yes! The man who will marry you has not proposed marriage to you yet” Motunrayo gave her uncle’s wife a scornful look yet the woman continued “The person you have now is not your husband” Motunrayo has never been close nor had a good rapport with her uncle’s wife before then…so she hated her the more. What rubbish! She hissed under her breath and went into her room. Letting go of this perfect catch is the most difficult hurdle I have ever experienced! Why is everything against me? Why? Motunrayo was sobbing… I don’t have the inner peace/conviction, bad dreams, fear, rubbish prophecy and lack of mutual understanding and Jewel’s hot temper again; what more can I have in just a single year...I am confused... I feel like screaminnnnggg….I am tired and frustrated. Continued later....
Posted on: Wed, 26 Jun 2013 10:28:57 +0000

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