Is it OK to be Spiritual AND Wealthy? It was only a few years - TopicsExpress


Is it OK to be Spiritual AND Wealthy? It was only a few years ago that I was in such a state of deep depression that I wanted to end my life… But something stopped me… some deeper yearning… some type of HOPE that there was more for me to do on this earth, that I had a PURPOSE here. Im not going to get into a long sob story here but I was desperate and I decided to give LIFE one LAST chance.. to Give the LAW of ATTRACTION a REAL chance. To entertain the idea that EVERYthing is perfect, synchronistic, and that our wish IS our command. Long story short, I spent my years on this spiritual journey, finding bliss, developing my self-confidence, and realizing that I KEPT hitting an obstacle and no matter how hard I tried to find a way around it, I was always confronted with it… What was that? The Lack of Money. You see, Ive grown up hearing that Money is the ROOT of All Evil and in the TV shows and cartoons, the RICH people are generally the BAD Guys. I learned to NOT want TOO much money because then Im being Greedy! When I started to learn about the Truth behind our Government, participating in protests like the Occupy Movement, I realized that without any money coming in, I couldnt pay for gas to attend the protests. You see, I have a yearning to change the world, to help people break free from the mental bondage and to Unplug from the Matrix. But when I could hardly afford to pay for food (not to mention Organic Foods), how could I focus on anyone other than myself? If Im focusing on survival, how can I help OTHERS? How can I possibly think about CHANGING the world? How can I preach about BLISS when deep down inside, Im struggling and just pretending to be happy on the outside? How can I TRULY be happy when my heart yearns to TRAVEL the World but Im stuck, to Take YOGA classes and EAT HEALTHY foods, to contribute to charities and WORLD Change projects and Movements… When my SOUL YEARNS for an experience that requires Finances… do I continue turning a blind eye to it? Do I continue HATING Money or fall into the Trap of believing that Money IS the Root of All evil? Especially when money puts food on the table, pays for rent and transportation? This is where I made a decision… I sought out Mentors… I started reading Books about success and started following Leaders and CHANGED my circle of influence to that of Inspiration, Motivation, and Success. Now, Im traveling the world, contributing to a Global Change Project on a regular basis, Im able to Share my message and Teachings all over the internet, AND Im able to show others how to Change the World while Becoming Zen Wealthy. There IS a way to marry Spirituality AND Money and honestly, they are NOT mutually exclusive. Money is a TOOL. It is Energy. It can be used for GOOD AND BAD. I decided that rather than complaining about how some RICH people or the Government ISNT BEING FAIR or is Not out for the BEST for humanity, Im going to DO something about it. Im going to USE my wealth to contribute BACK to humanity, to use it for GOOD, and to put the power BACK into the hands of the People. Its time to STOP complaining about problems. Its time to shift our mindset to a SOLUTION-BASED one. To be PRO-Active and take control of your life… That is what Im here to do. Im now a part of this FREEDOM Movement of over 200,000 strong to Empower You, to Inspire You, to Help you FIND your deeper purpose, to GIVE you the confidence youve always had inside of you, to be able to FULLY EXPRESS and to be a part of a community of like-minded individuals out here to HELP one another. Were here to help the PEOPLE become FREE, to FIND their deepest passions, and to live abundantly in ALL ways, including finances. If you want learn more about our Freedom Movement and to become Zen Wealthy at the same time, to learn how to Merge Wealth with Conscious Living, go to: freedom-mastery Also, feel free to add me on Facebook as well and send me a message! I love to connect with other like-minded individuals and hear about your dreams! Lets BE the Change we Wish to see in the World. And Remember… NEver… EVER… Give up on Your Dreams ^_~ - Jin Hua
Posted on: Fri, 21 Mar 2014 11:50:46 +0000

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