Is it a day . . . . When the Almighty rested And thus an - TopicsExpress


Is it a day . . . . When the Almighty rested And thus an example . . . . For us He suggested? Or is it a day . . . . When example is He Of your sanctification* . . . . And what this must be? ***God, the Almighty RESTED the seventh day (RSV Exodus 20:11); and He thereby set for us an example of resting?*** 《In an effort to make some rational treatment of this matter, it is at times suggested, and is commonly conjectured: God is doing nothing more here than setting an example of rest, which pious people should imitate, and observe on the sabbath》... For the faithful did God . . . . On the sabbath day set An example of rest . . . . That tradition as yet Has preserved to impute . . . . For the faithful a debt To remember, to practise . . . . And not to forget But 《while this imagines to explain Gods resting, it is as much nonsense, as it is explanation. For resting is not all, that God did the seventh day. Such is NOT his ONLY seventh day diversion or agenda: Just as surely did he bless, and make holy the sabbath day. And the sabbath day and the seventh day are ONE AND THE SAME DAY: They are simply different references to one and the same event. And if you should say, that God set an example of resting, I to you will, then, respond: He set an example of sanctification. For he certainly holyized, or sanctified the day of the sabbath (Exodus 20:11). He certainly made holy, or holyized the sabbath day...Which he CERTAINLY did NOT do, while he set an example of resting. For we must at length face this reality of Scripture: How biblically believable can an example of resting be, when it is set by God himself, who, in the Bible is Almighty?... And how plausible an example of resting can he set, WHILE he set a SIMULTANEOUS example of sanctification? And how is such a thing to be in any way consistent to Gods every other description and presentation of himself?...》 For if the Almighty . . . . The sabbath day blessed And made holy, or sanctified . . . . Said sabbath day Could He, then, ON THIS SAME DAY(!) . . . . The seventh day rest As religious tradition . . . . Instructs us to say? For amidst this, the practice . . . . Of holiness seems Its agenda to make . . . . Of confusing extremes Of absurdity, when it . . . . Judiciously deems Utter nonsense to make . . . . Of these biblical themes On the sabbath day, then . . . . What is best the narration Of Gods supervision . . . . And His occupation? What would the Almighty . . . . Have done on this day? In its sanctification . . . . What part did He play? For if ever we are . . . . To be through with this quest And at length its solution . . . . To make manifest The definitive question . . . . That must be addressed Is the Scriptural view . . . . Of the Almightys rest Is it biblical, that . . . . The Almighty had strength To persist at His work . . . . The continuous length Of six onerous days . . . . Of creation, and then Needed rest and refreshment . . . . As would mortal men? Above is an excerpt of HIDDEN IN A FIELD [The Pauline Essential], page xxviii ***Understand the truth of these traditional inconsistences*** Learn more of what God actually did the seventh day, and what He could NOT BIBLICALLY have done the seventh day: Visit this web site, yoursanctification *This, your sanctification is the will of God (I Thessalonians 4:3).
Posted on: Thu, 23 Jan 2014 01:46:38 +0000

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