Is it about following the rules…being good; having plenty of - TopicsExpress


Is it about following the rules…being good; having plenty of friends who say he or she is a nice person? After all, don’t we believe people are basically good? But if that were the case, don’t you think life and living on this planet would be ‘basically’ getting better for the impoverished, politician would join hands in honorable pursuits and refuse to trash each other for position, the media would sacrifice profits and choose to protect our children from the worst passions of men. Families would be getting stronger and every child would learn the important things about life at an early age. To the assertion that our goodness is of such a quality that we can create some utopia…what our hearts dream …I suggest not. Like traces of radiation left behind from the ‘Big Bang’, could it be that being good or our willingness to follow the rules or us sacrificing our comfort so that others can eat…could this ‘good’ left in us just be a flicker of light left behind from a catastrophic event long ago? A faint shadow of what once was, lost in the experience of time and history, the longing for a quality we know needs to be rediscovered. I say catastrophic because compared to pure good and right, what we might have lost is catastrophic in comparison. Every great film produced, novel written, play magnificently acted and song sung calls to the deep that resides within. Unfortunately, after the last act or the radio goes silent so goes our hearts and were back to the real world. Every honeymoon ends. According to C S Lewis and many expositors like him, this longing is proof there is a Heaven because the desire for it undeniably exists in the place where each of us cries for justice and love. And if any person, rich or poor, genius or average chases that flicker down into their seat of justice and mercy, the depths of their heart…When they emerge they will understand what Jesus taught us to pray when he taught,” Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth as it is in Heaven”. Those who see it now are already there. Those who don’t like it now won’t like it then. No one will be forced to enter but knowing with eyes wide open and having turned down pure justice and mercy will be like living in an unquenchable burning of regret for all eternity. Even the goodness we have now will be taken and with that gone all that will be left of us is a grotesque entity of self-loathing and blame. I can guarantee Hell won’t be that ‘big party with your buddies’ I have heard so many times. If the stakes weren’t that high and our potential so great our Creator would not have come to die in our place and rescue you and me so that we might not suffer that terrible fate but rather live as the depths of our hearts cry out…as children of a Great and Benevolent King. Now is the time to choose; no one knows if tomorrow will come. It is all about Justice and Love. Your choice.
Posted on: Mon, 07 Jul 2014 00:59:53 +0000

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