Is it bad that I often find myself chuckling at the comments by - TopicsExpress


Is it bad that I often find myself chuckling at the comments by the Vote NO side? If I were one of the 4 Selectmen I would be like thank you for the help but we dont need you posting anymore on our behalf. Seriously, some of the posts/comments by Tim and Michelle are truly laughable and bring grasping and spinning to new levels. Talk about brainwashed and attempting to persuade folks to believe what isnt true. Strange how many of their most vocal supporters are non residents or non-registered voters who supposedly live in Saugus. Are they really resorting to arguing about a street name? People the election is March 17, 2015 and nothing you say or do or write will change that. IF there is some form of an investigation into the validity of the signatures, I welcome the DA to contact any one of us as we know there was no wrongdoing, fraud, malfeasance etc. My inclination is nothing will come of it other than a call to the clerk and registrars to verify the process that was adhered to. They want to compare this to Chicopee where a Mayors top aide came forward and admitted he wrote in hundreds of voters names himself. Is that supposed to be construed as the same as perhaps a wife coming to the door and signing and then going in her home and obtaining her husbands signature and then coming out and handing the clipboard to the volunteer? Is the volunteer then supposed to perform a handwriting analysis and then complete an interrogation of the signer? Come on folks, this is ridiculous and stinks of desperation. I for one along with most everyone I have spoken to on the VOTE YES side have full confidence that the folks in the Clerks office and the members of the BOR held the process to the established standards and acted in good faith and in the best interest of Saugus and for anyone on the Vote NO side, including elected officials, to imply otherwise is appalling and unconscionable. We have an election to prepare for and I assure you WE WILL BE PREPARED!!!! Stay classy folks as we #takebacksaugus!
Posted on: Tue, 13 Jan 2015 17:44:25 +0000

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