Is it just me or does Obama closely resemble Captain Queeg, the - TopicsExpress


Is it just me or does Obama closely resemble Captain Queeg, the incompetent, incoherent and border-line mad ship’s captain in the movie The Caine Mutiny? Like Captain Queeg, Obama functions fairly well at a low level of responsibility and like Queeg, he is unable to handle a real crisis. He has never faced a real enemy mainly due to his race and the general fear by the populace of being accused of racism. Like Captain Queeg, he is very cunning at protecting his own ends and nothing is ever his fault or due to his actions. Add to this the fact that he is the first president to openly reveal himself as hating and despising much of the traditional culture of the United States and purposely seeks to see it weakened. The Queeg-like incidents are mounting up to anyone paying attention. Obama’s famous ‘beer summit’ first showed a disturbing oddity in behavior. This incident was followed by his betrayal of Poland over missile defenses, his ludicrous claim that the Benghazi massacres were provoked by a video on YouTube, his forgotten vow to bring the Benghazi killers to justice, the IRS scandal, his role inserting himself into the Martin-Zimmerman affair, his incompetence in dealing with Egypt and the ridiculously named ‘Arab Spring’, not to mention his golf and safaris in the midst of crises, and the list goes on and on. The whole sorry Obama drama has moved through the classic stages of fantasy from his god-like inauguration and receipt of the Nobel Peace Prize to a complete divorce from reality. It may well be that American intervention in the Syrian mess, unsupported and with no clear aim, will be crossing a ‘red line’ but not the one Obama has in mind.
Posted on: Tue, 10 Sep 2013 12:00:16 +0000

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