Is it just me or have the boogie men disappeared? #auspol - TopicsExpress


Is it just me or have the boogie men disappeared? #auspol #ausvotes Something has been nagging me. Considering the beat ups and raids of the past few months I would have expected the Whitlam Memorial to have been in lockdown. Armed gunships hovering above, sniffer dogs, snipers, streets closed off, police escorts. But nothing. More high profile targets in one building than anywhere. A soft target. So what happened? Nothing! And why have Brandis, Bishop (who wants to be PM) and Abbott (who doesnt have a clue) seemingly suddenly dropped the scare campaign? Is it because we wouldnt buy it? The bogus raids? Realising these laws went too far? Was there ever a threat? And if things are suddenly back to normal why are we still bombing Iraq? So what happened to the scores of Muslim extremists pouring out of every nook and cranny with blades ready to cut our heads off? Well clearly THAT didnt work. So what does Abbott have in store next? He finds MH370 - again- with Elvis at the controls? And the really pressing question: How much more is the media going to try and fool us into thinking that Princess Diana has been reincarnated as Julie Bishop? You think I am kidding? Look at the Harpers Bizarre photo shoot. Smacks of Diana. And Julies trips overseas being seen with children? Diana again. All we need now is a redhead and an Arab boyfriend. It would seem that, having realised they backed the wrong horse, the media is abandoning Abbott. On tonights news I counted three stories on Julie Bishop and that was down from normal. I am not buying any of it and neither will the voters. The whole lot of them are rotten and all have to go. Philip
Posted on: Sun, 09 Nov 2014 12:43:57 +0000

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