Is it my imagination or is the world being run by idiots? We had - TopicsExpress


Is it my imagination or is the world being run by idiots? We had the USA arm and train Al Quaeda to get one over on Russia in the cold war, and also arm Zionist terrorists to ethnic cleanse Palestinians. Then as nobody cares about the suffering of the original inhabitants of Palestine, the only ones who seem to care are the extremists who the USA armed and trained in the first place. In Britain were being run by the Eton gang, who probably wouldnt have their shoe laces tied unless their servant did it, who tried to get us to support Islamic extremists in Syria because the USA said, when Syria was one of the few middle east countries with different religions living in peace, and now Isis are invading Iraq, the Tories are ignoring top military advice that the only hope to fight them is to join Syria who were fighting them in the first place. Plus Britain is in with the anti Russia gang, not agreeing with Russia sending in aid to Ukraine, who democratically elected to be part of Russia. Now we have European farmers suffering, because Russia decided to take action against the EU and USA imposing sanctions on their country. All through this David Cameron is still on holiday. He goes on about immigrants, when he gave his nanny a fast track passport. Theyre telling poor people how to live their life, who only want to get by and afford their household bills to Tory corporate donors since everything is more expensive after VAT increases so millionaires could have tax cuts, when his wife who doesnt work needs a nanny.
Posted on: Sat, 23 Aug 2014 12:27:38 +0000

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