Is it okay if I have mixed feelings about this video? Yeah, some - TopicsExpress


Is it okay if I have mixed feelings about this video? Yeah, some things I completely agree with, other things I totally dont. Lets start with what I like. 1. The mom. She seems like a real mom taking care of children. I completely relate to the things she continually does with her kids, and the stress she gets when the things her children have done/have not done complicate or delay the situation. 2. The ripple effect of her service. I love the images at the end of all the good things that resulted from the kind things she did, and then President Hinkleys encouragement to continue to serve because of this positive ripple effect. I really do like that. Now lets talk about the thing that I think didnt get the job done right. 1. Missing the night with her cousin. This was an important event for her, considering she got a sitter and everything. And because of her checklist, she ended up missing out on an opportunity to bond and reconnect emotionally. I get that she didnt want to pass responsibilities of her family off onto another person, but if something important like seeing a cousin came up, she would have had every right to ask another person to take some of her responsibilities so that she could still do that. We are taught in the church the value of service, and that we get blessings if we continue to serve our neighbors. But there is sometimes an underlying attitude that yes, we serve, but we are weak if ask for assistance outside of praying for it. We are encouraged to be independent and self-sufficient, but what we miss is sometimes its okay (and healthy!) to choose ourselves and let another person carry the load for a minute. Another lesson that can be gathered from this clip is that good service can sometimes take the form of poor planning, overextending ones self, and refusing to include others. Again, I love the ripple effect shown by this womans service. But what about the clip of her having a beautiful night with her cousin and rekindling a relationship? How would that have looked if she would have known its okay to serve herself in addition to other people, so its okay to ask for assistance?
Posted on: Wed, 24 Sep 2014 03:39:32 +0000

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