Is it possible that the real Jesus was actually Barabbas and that - TopicsExpress


Is it possible that the real Jesus was actually Barabbas and that the wrong man was crucified? Hear me out for a second because Im not trying to insult religion, merely to start a debate that I hope sparks your interest. Barabbas is not a name at all, but a title, meaning precisely, Son of God. Bar means son of and Abba literally means father, but its usage was, and generally still is, a reference to The Father, that is, God. Early manuscripts of Matthew, in verse 27:16, has his designation used in its full form: Jesus Barabbas. So the individual who was released and not crucified at the request of the crowd was, as an indisputable matter of Gospel record, known as Jesus, the son of God. The first part of his name was deleted from the Gospel of Matthew at a much later date, by those who sought to establish facts to fit their Gentile beliefs. Such selectivity is what we would now euphemistically call being economical with the truth, but it is little more than a deceit to avoid difficult questions that the Church would not, or more likely could not, answer. The Gospels state that this other Jesus, son of God was accused of being a Jewish rebel who had killed people during an outbreak of insurrrection. Thus Barabbas was not a criminal but a Jewish fanatic, one facing a similar accusation to the one brought against Jesus. Two men of the same name with the same claim and much the same crime; how can we know which one was released? Certainly many of the oldest Christian sects believe that Jesus did not die on the cross because another died for him.Some today hold Jesus Christ in very high regard as a prophet who was ordered to be crucified but whose place was taken by another. Was Barabbas actually Jesus Christ? Son of the Father Some of the interpretations have been: 1) Barabbas was a Jewish freedom fighter who used violence instead of peace to fight Roman rule. The people chose him for freedom because he was a warrior hero like David (of Goliath fame). 2) The people were calling for the release of Jesus Son of the Father (Christ) and Pilate ignored or misunderstood them. The wrong person was released. 3) There never was anyone named Barabbas at all. He was just a metaphor created by Paul to shift blame for Christs death away from Rome. This made his conversion of the Romans easier. There were other people with names similar and the same as Jesus. In fact Jesus is actually a variant of his (step) fathers name Joseph. Both the Christ and Barabbas had the same variant of the name (not Joseph but Joe). Though translation have varied, if you go back to the original text Barabbas crime was of murdering a Roman soldier during a rebellion by the oppressed Jewish people for freedom. Christ is not a name it is a title. There were many men named Jesus back then, so its difficult to tell which one is which. According to the United Bible Societies text, Matthew 27:17 reads: ...whom will ye that I release unto you? Jesus Barabbas or Jesus who is called Christ In the book The Holy Blood and the Holy Grail written by Michael Baigent, Richard Leigh, and Henry Lincoln, there is an idea that Barabbas is the son of Jesus and Mary Magdalene. According to authors of the book, this explains why the crowd choose Barabbas to stay alive, because such act will save the dynasty. John 18:40 refers to Barabbas as a lēstēs, bandit; Mark and Luke further refer to Barabbas as one involved in a stasis, a riot. Mark 15:7; Luke 23:19. In the gospels, shortly after being hailed as a king by the Jews, Jesus caused a commotion in the Jewish temple by overturning tables and swinging a lash (mentioned only in John) at people. Soon afterwards and just shortly before his arrest, the gospels have Jesus telling his apostles to sell their cloaks and buy swords(Luke 22:36) — and at least one sword turns up in the hands of Peter (named only in John) in the Garden of Gethsemane. Praise the Lord the God of Jacob for He is God alone and there is none else.
Posted on: Thu, 15 Jan 2015 22:25:12 +0000

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