Is it possible to bridge the gap between the living and the dead? - TopicsExpress


Is it possible to bridge the gap between the living and the dead? In the small town of Ellerslie, Georgia, 8-year-old Heidi Wyrick apparently demonstrated the astounding ability to speak with the dead. It all began in February of 1989, just after Heidi’s family had moved to Ellerslie. According to Heidi, a man named “Con” appeared at the front door. She said he had white hair and he had a t-shirt on with blood all over it, and had a bandage on his hand with blood on it. Lisa Wyrick, Heidi’s mother, thought someone was trying to kidnap her daughter, so she brought Heidi in, locked all the doors, got the butcher knife out of the drawer and called her husband Andy to come home. When Andy Wyrick arrived home, he and Lisa searched the entire neighborhood for someone who fit Con’s description. However, they came up empty handed. Then shortly after her visit from Con, Heidi told her mother about meeting another man. According to Lisa, this time the man’s name was Mr. Gordy. Lisa thought that Con and Gordy were the same person, so she thought his name was Con Gordy. That’s when I started asking everybody if they ever heard the name of Con Gordy. Lisa happened to mention Con and Mr. Gordy to her sister who had just bought the house next door. As it turned out, a man named James S. Gordy was the former owner of her sister’s house. Lisa was shocked when she saw Gordys name on the deed and knew Mr. Gordy had to have been dead. Catherine Ledford’s family had owned the house next to the Wyricks. When Lisa got in touch with her, Catherine verified that James Gordy had died in 1974. Catherine knew Mr. Gordy when she was a small child. James Gordy owned a real estate company in Columbus and for many, many years he was a Sunday school superintendent at Ellison Methodist Church. Catherine Ledford had no photographs of Mr. Gordy, but she corroborated Heidi’s description. Mr. Gordy had gray hair, always wore a suit and tie, and shiny black shoes. She brought over photographs of her family. Heidi began looking through the photos. She had never seen any of the people in the pictures before, but when she got to the bottom of the pile, she found this small picture. In the picture, Heidi recognized a man with a bandage on his arm and blood on his shirt. According to Catherine Ledford, Heidi had identified Catherine’s Uncle Lon. She said Lon lived in Ellerslie when he was a young man. He died in 1957 of cancer, and had lost his hand, before he was 20, in a cotton gin. Heidi’s mother Lisa was now convinced that Heidi’s friends were not just figments of her imagination, that they were actual dead people and knew that Heidi was actually seeing something. For the next four years, Heidi continued to encounter the benevolent spirits of the two men—James Gordy and Lon Batchelor—both of whom had long been dead. Then in 1993, Heidi’s mother became pregnant. Not long after, an evil spirit came to visit. Lisa Wyrick remembered Heidi’s change in behavior. She claimed Heidi was never scared of Lon or Mr. Gordy, but when the dark figure in their hallway appeared, Heidi was hysterical. According to Lisa, the new spirit became a frequent and sometimes violent guest. Lisa and Andy had talked about moving, but said it wouldnt do any good because Heidi has the gift to see dead people and would follow her wherever they went. On February 3rd, 1994, Heidi’s baby sister, Jordan, was born. Two weeks later, Lisa noticed that Heidi’s other-worldly visitations took a horrifying turn. Lisa noted that Heidi had deep gashes down her face which terrified her and couldnt imagine what would have scratched her that bad. Heidi’s father Andy never gave his daughter’s scratches much thought. He just assumed she inadvertently scratched herself during the night. Then, two nights later, he too woke up with a searing pain. Andy said he had three claw marks going around his side. The next night he went to sleep, and woke up with three claw marks down his back, then it happened again the next night and he woke up with three claw marks down his chest. The Wyrick’s called up a noted parapsychologist, Dr. William Roll, to investigate the unusual occurrences. Heidi had came up with physical descriptions and with names that she apparently could not have obtained in any ordinary way, so that immediately made Dr. Roll interested in the case. A couple of pictures had been found of Mister Gordy. The hope was that Heidi would be able to identify Mr. Gordy’s picture if they were presented to her with a number of other photographs. Incredibly, Heidi had chosen the photograph of James Gordy. For the second time, Heidi Wyrick had correctly identified her spirits from a photo line-up. Dr. Roll was now certain that Heidi’s experiences were genuine. Having spoken to Heidi and her parents, Roll was even more convinced that they were dealing with genuine parapsychological experiences. Then the question comes up, why are these things happening to this little girl? Why indeed? Was it all just coincidence? Did Heidi simply make two lucky guesses? Or does Heidi Wyrick possess some mysterious power to communicate with the dead? Heidi is now a young woman and no longer lives in the old family home. She reports that she has not seen Mr. Gordy for years. However, she continues to see the mysterious dark figure, as well as numerous other spirits. The sightings are so frequent that Heidi now takes them in stride. Not even the dark figure can scare her now.
Posted on: Sun, 19 Oct 2014 06:16:17 +0000

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