Is it really that punishable of a trait to care for others more - TopicsExpress


Is it really that punishable of a trait to care for others more than our selves? Waking up n expierencing a feeling of wishing yur parents would grow up almost daily doesnt exactly leave one in a feeling of confidence about life. If you followed anything I ever shared of my thoughts and feelings and have laughed at me and thoughts considered, I am truly embarressed for you. And to those who openly tell others their wrong and even go as far as to heckle anothers beliefs... May whatever God you keep letting ram that self-righteous stick up yur ass ( and apparently then some)have a little mercy on your soul and maybe Inspire you to finally have a thought that was truly your own. I mean truly. Natural Language is universal, and within understanding that, we as people of reality are unable to hide our own intentions within its use. Im not above anyone or anything, nor do I wish to be. Instead I can see patterns of life that are helping to discern pointlessness and bullshit within my own beliefs and that has left me in a state of trying to just walk beside the rest of life and enjoy it, I guess life just hasnt gotten the memo yet cuz everyone keeps trying to be in the front of the line that is actually suppose to be a circle. P.S. if your not happy, pull that stick out, it hurts and can be disorientating, but pursuit with honesty once its out leads to self achieved happiness that no one can ever take from you. My friend Evie once told me what we perceive as feelings and emotions are more like a learned disease that decreases cognitive function as we develop and give dependance upon them to know right from wrong. There is no right or wrong as we know just what we perceive it to be and that is specific to each individual. Knowledge is not the same as intelligence, far from it. There is only one truth, and It the same in all hearts and never questioned when known or felt because it is universal, it is as natural Language, but more over and yet simply put it is Love and any other perceptions that dont agree only hurt themselves because love is unconditional and incapable of selfishness.
Posted on: Sun, 17 Aug 2014 05:39:23 +0000

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