Is it the Politics of Capitalism? Again? Looking at what is - TopicsExpress


Is it the Politics of Capitalism? Again? Looking at what is happening in MDCT, I cannot help but wonder if we are turning the clock backwards. Im looking into the history of ZANUPF where questions of why & by whom were Josiah Tongogara and Herbert Chitepo killed. Our politics is very much influenced by the Western world in as much as ZANUPF might publicly loathe them, in the capitals of United Kingdom and other European nations was Mugabes rise authored. The qualities of leadership the western world are willing to work with are: 1) Those who have love for their ways and means. 2) Those who are willing to follow their blueprints of economics. 3) Those who work hand in hand with Bretton Woods institutions and pliable to their demands. 4) Those distant from the bottom & indifferent ordinary mans needs. Morgan Tsvangirai doesnt fit the above, he is among the Zumas & Malemas of this world. I remember reading an article where US preferred Welshman ahead of Morgan reason being Morgan is too deep into Unionism. Remember ZANUPF prior to Mugabe was very much Communist & Socialist leaning buoyed by Chitepo and Tongogara, even their training was from Soviet Union and North Korea and other such who shared ideology. So just like Mugabe rose to power, we are seeing Biti being pushed to replace Morgan Tsvangirai, but Elton Mangoma doesnt have the wit of Edgar Tekere to sell the face of Biti to all in MDCT & outside. On the other hand, just like Mugabe was hesitant in following the plan, we see Biti being indecisive of fronting for this cause. Wither to now Zimbabwe? Unlike Mugabes rise which didnt really need the people (povo) to lend a voice, the replacement of Morgan Tsvangirai cannot be ultra vires the ordinary people hence the offer for him to resign & take $3 million. Now that Morgan refused to go that way, the equation has turned quadratic & simultaneous. We are seeing people power prevailing over dollar power. Will Morgan Tsvangirai be assassinated eventually? I dont know but all I know is the next government is not ZANUPF, they have their own impending death. Dont be fooled by the lifting of sanctions by Europe, its just a way to manage capitalist interest from one hand to the next amicably. If that doesnt happen and people have their choice of leadership regardless of what the west want, we would have become truly emancipated like South Africa.
Posted on: Sat, 08 Mar 2014 06:37:22 +0000

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