Is it time to move on from Fish Oil? ... Because I just tripled my - TopicsExpress


Is it time to move on from Fish Oil? ... Because I just tripled my Omega-3s in 6 months without it. Ill post pictures of my recent blood results under comments but I just received my latest panel back, a battery of over 40 different blood tests including with the most comprehensive lipid panel conceivable. I tested everything down to the size and density of my cholesterol to the precise amount of DHA and EPA (Omega 3s) I have floating around .... To my surprise, I had a RED FLAG on my lipid panel and it was a fat that was was recommended to represent a max of 3% of circulating fatty acids and mine was 6.5%!! What the heck? It was DHA! That Omega 3 fatty acid that the body cannot make and thats so hard to get that we need to take fish oil as a part-time job. That one thats so critical for brain health and decreasing all sorts of chronic diseases, especially heart disease... How did that happen? Well, for starters I eat salmon once a week, sometimes much less, sometimes a little more. I bought a jar of liquid fish oil a year ago thats still in my fridge more than half full, I eat a lot of local eggs and of course, a lot of grass-fed beef (Mostly in the form of EPIC bars) But Ive done all that stuff for going on years now. So what changed that could have JACKED my Omega 3s? .... Chlorella. I started what we can call the #DiHard Detox Protocol 6 months ago which includes a few products I can write about another time - but the one that stood out as I was scratching my head about my DHA that was 3.5% ABOVE the upper limit of 3% - was Chlorella. Im very much a carnivore and tend to not put lot of faith in vegetarian solutions for anything pertaining to fats, B vitamins, and the rest of the typically Animal-derived necessities to health. I had read that Chlorella on top of being a great detoxifier, could lift DHA, but admittedly brushed it off a little and never really put a lot of stock in it in. But then a friend showed me the light and reminded me that Chlorella is algae, which is what the fish that we tend to eat for Omega-3s, EAT! A-HA moment. We just may be able to cut out the middle man, go straight to the algae and get a more effective, higher concentrated form of the fatty acid we so desperately need that travels more easily, is pretty darn cheap, and clearly works like a charm. #spartanrace #dihard #omega3 #health
Posted on: Wed, 10 Dec 2014 11:37:34 +0000

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