Is it true that Pakatan Rakyat Indian MPs agreed for a meeting - TopicsExpress


Is it true that Pakatan Rakyat Indian MPs agreed for a meeting with Sri Lankan Govt officials, arranged by Sri Lankan embassy in Malaysia?! What is the point of having meeting with a murderous regimes officials that massacred hundreds of thousands of innocent Tamils during the bitter end of civil war that came to an end in May 2009?! In the period, Sri Lankan armed forces committed war crimes far more worse than the crimes committed by Nazis during WW11!! Prisoners of Wars were stripped naked before they were killed; if the POWs were female, they were raped by the Singhala animals before the execution! Channel 4 of Britain, aired a Special Documentary, Killing Fields of Sri Lanka, in which heinous crimes of Sri Lankan forces came to public knowledge! The images of Isaipriya being subjected to rape and torture are still fresh in the minds of the people who watched it! Aftermath of the war, Tamils, especially women in North and East of Sri Lanka still living in the fear! The harassment of Sri Lankan forces continue to date; Tamils lands are forcibly grabbed; Systematic Singhala settlements are targeting the traditional Tamil motherland and many other outstanding issues affecting the Tamils in the Island of Sri Lanka! UN Human Rights Council released a report in 2011, that Sri Lanka committed serious war crimes! And recently, UN Human Rights Chief formed an elite investigation team to look into the crimes of the Sri Lankan Govt! To date, Sri Lankan govt refused to cooperate with the UN Investigation panel, but undertake all the measures to stop or halt the investigations! One of the success of Sri Lankan Govt in that area is, getting India to deny the entry of the panel members into India! Indias intelligence agency, RAW solely responsible for all the helps to Sri Lanka hide its crimes against humanity! Sri Lanka is using its diplomatic fronts to hide the ugly face of the racist nation! After recently concluded Penang International Tamil Conference, we came to know that Sri Lankan Embassy Officials are contacting the non-Tamil speakers who spoke in support of Tamils cause in the conference, to tell their version of the story! It is evident that Sri Lanka trying hard to deny the growing international support for the Tamils cause for justice and human rights in the Island country! Some people might argue that, We should listen their side of story too! But, is it justifiable?! Will we listen to the stories from Israel on the plights of Palestinians?! Will we give chance to ISIS to explain themselves?! If not, whats so special with Sri Lanka?! The murderous regime is just trying as hard as they can to shore international support to halt the International Investigations! As we all know, DAP Indian leaders have taken a consistent role in speaking on the plight of the Tamils in Sri Lanka! Dr V. David is the first MP to speak about Tamil Eelam in Malaysian parliament! Prof Ramasamy banned from entering India, because of his vocal comments about Sri Lankas war crimes and Indias involvement in the ugly war! As recent as last year, DAP SG Sdra Lim Guan Eng called for the boycott of CHOGM in Sri Lanka! We were very consistent that the war criminal regime of Sri Lanka will not be entertained in whatsoever way! It is surprising, if PR Indian MPs accepted the invitation of Sri Lankan embassy for a dialogue! Shouldnt we consider the feelings and plights of the Tamils involved before accepting such invitation from the regime that committed heinous crimes?! If it is true, I hope all the Indian MPs of Pakatan will reconsider their decision!
Posted on: Mon, 24 Nov 2014 03:14:59 +0000

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