Is life this fragile?one second its there the nxt its gone!are we - TopicsExpress


Is life this fragile?one second its there the nxt its gone!are we all accidents waiting to happen?I eye witnessed this horrible and gory accident on N.12 freeway ,near Tasbet Witbank.The heavy truck laboured down the road,puffing black from its skypointing exhaust nostrils.It howled and roared as if remonstrating continueing with the journey.Maybe it was.Sixteen wheels pushed the cement loaded truck forward towards the filter to ,maybe,Nelspruit.It was a freightliner eagle.There was no reductiøn of speed as the heavy rig entered the curve.No noisy jacob brakes and no scretching and squelling of tyres as i had come to expect on such curves like this one.The truck kept coming.Something must be wrong,i remarked to myself.With a deafening noise the truck tore straight into the curving road barricades ,maintaning its suicidal trajectory.A plume of dust soon rose ,providing halo effect backdrop to the beserk truck.It ripped the posts off the ground,sending them flying in any direction.For a moment the truck became airborne as hastened the steep of the road.The horse was the first to hit the hard ground far below.The noise was thurnderous.Glass cracked and shreds flew like missiles from a cluster bomb.The trailer turned in mid flight.The bag of cement were proppelled yonder below raising an acrid clould that enviloped the seen.The biting smell of burning rubber added to the screching sound of bending metal.Everything seemed to be in slow motion.Time had stopped to witness this event.When the clould of dust gradually dispatted,behold,what a horrible sight awaited the onlookers who were now gathering in ever increasing numbers.Some weeped,some whistled in awe and anguish.The truck lay on its side.its cab and occupants crashed into one.The trailer had overturned as it lay prostrate with its wheels up.A cell phone was heard ringing from the cab.Its ringing tone unmistakably zimbabwean.So one of my own is gone far from home.Could it be the wife calling from home. Or the boss.
Posted on: Thu, 06 Mar 2014 06:14:28 +0000

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