Is our Beloved Prophet, sallAllahu alayhi wa aalihi wa sahbihi wa - TopicsExpress


Is our Beloved Prophet, sallAllahu alayhi wa aalihi wa sahbihi wa sallam, a man JUST like us? When the Beloved Prophet, Divine Exaltations and Salutations of Peace Immaculate be upon him and his family, is instructed by Almighty Allah in the Quran to say I am a man like you. Then there is a certain context which needs to be understood before rushing to conclusions. Firstly who is his audience, who is this statement addressed to? The believers? No, not at all. It is addressed to the idol worshippers, who believed that a Messenger from Allah must be an Angelic Son or Daughter of Allah, this was their creed (aqidah), on this basis they rejected the Prophet, Divine Exaltations and Salutations of Peace Immaculate be upon him and his family, This is why the statement I am a man like you is immediately followed by the statement It has been revealed to me that your God is a Single God. In other words the entire declaration is a clarification that Prophets belong to the species of human beings, and not to an imaginary Angelic Children of God species.Also importantly the ayah does not say a man JUST like you, there is no basis for that understanding whatsoever. Moreover the restriction of this statement to the above context is clear cut, due to the Prophet,Divine Exaltations and Salutations of Peace Immaculate be upon him and his family, saying to his Companions who attempted to emulate him in the three day without break fast- Al Wissal, and collapsed from exhaustion: I am not like any of you, I spend the night with my Lord, who feeds me and provides we with drink. (Sahih Al Bukhari) Moreover common sense should highlight that none of us receives Revelation (Al Wahy), none of us are Mercy to the Worlds, none of us can see from behind as we see from the front, none of us has perspiration that smells of musk, none of us can sleep and not have to make wudhu upon waking, none of us can marry more than four women at a time, none of us has Salat and Salaam invoked upon them by the believers, none of us is greeted in the Salah. And if we carried on mentioning the differences we could spend weeks and weeks. So please do not take ayah out of context and drop yourself into a situation where you are emulating the words of the disbelievers in the Quran who would reject the reality of the Prophets by saying They are just men like us. - Ustadh Ismaeel de Silva #mawlidgems
Posted on: Tue, 30 Dec 2014 21:27:51 +0000

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