Is our tradition the only tradition of pure Dhamma? Understand - TopicsExpress


Is our tradition the only tradition of pure Dhamma? Understand what pure Dhamma is: The law of nature, the truth about mind and matter and their interaction, how mind and matter are influencing each other and how this can be experienced. It is not the play of useless intellectual games. Buddha wanted us to experience Dhamma.When you start experiencing the truth at the depth of the mind, you find that it is the same with everyone. Not just at the surface level, the paritta citta, the conscious mind, but at the depth. The problem lies at the depth of the mind where the behaviour pattern of reaction begins. There is a Pāli word, nati, which means inclination. At the depth of the mind where there is an inclination towards reaction, the unwholesome process begins. For example, the reaction of anger is triggered by this inclination and one continues to react with this anger for a long time. As this repeats itself over and over again, the behaviour pattern of reacting with anger is strengthened. This happens similarly with passion or any other defilement.For behaving like this you are responsible. No outside power is producing this behaviour. You are doing it out of ignorance. Now, with Vipassana you begin to understand, Look at this game I’m playing. I am harming myself. I am making myself a prisoner of my own behaviour patterns. If you start observing this process deep within yourself, you will find that naturally it stops, and eventually you’ll reach the stage where even this inclination towards reaction does not arise. What else can pure Dhamma be than this?If you work at only the superficial level of the mind and either give it a good layer or else divert the attention to some other object in the attempt to come out of this pattern of reaction, you do find that the mind becomes calm. But this is only at the surface of the mind. Deep inside the same inclination towards reaction is still going on and unless you reach that point how will you really change this behaviour pattern? Vipassana is the way to reach that level and observe the reality as it is. Without your trying to change it, it will get changed if you simply observe it. In this way you are coming out of your prison, out of your bondage. This is why it is the only way, pure Dhamma, ekāyano maggo. What is your message to India and the world in the present context? Make use of wonderful Dhamma. Understand what Dhamma is. Don’t take it as Hindu Dhamma or Buddhist Dhamma or Jain Dhamma. It has nothing to do with these organized religions. Dhamma is totally apart from these organized religions; it is a way of life enabling us to understand the universal law of nature. This is Dhamma: How mind and matter interact, with their currents, cross-currents and undercurrents; and how, out of ignorance we keep on reacting in ways that make us so miserable. By observing all this you realize how this law of nature applies to everyone. If you don’t enjoy burning yourself, then you keep your hand out of the fire. By reacting blindly you are burning yourself, harming yourself. Experience this.Merely talking like this won’t help. Let people experience it. More and more people should realize the reality of Dhamma, understanding that Dhamma has to be experienced and that it is not an intellectual game. And for experiencing it, well, here is this wonderful technique which will take you to the depth of your mind to the point where mind and matter are interacting, and where you can apply the wisdom to take you out of the habit of reaction which is actually harming you. By applying this wisdom you are making your mind purer and purer in order to live a happier life, a more harmonious life - SNG!!!
Posted on: Thu, 11 Sep 2014 11:22:54 +0000

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