Is sitting slowly killing you? Studies show that we are now - TopicsExpress


Is sitting slowly killing you? Studies show that we are now sitting on average 9.3 hours a day! WOW that is so much! I know with our busy lifestyles and work dead lines that we are suppose to cram as much work in one day and then sit on the couch to tune out and not think. But is this the life you really want? Is it slowly killing you? There is a fact sheet below that has the statistics on what sitting for too long does for the body. For the next update of physical activity and health guidelines, we should be asking what should be recommended regarding common physical inactivity behaviours such as too much sitting. Because insidious health hazards are common and affect most of the population, people tend to think “surely it can’t be bad for us.” Most people now agree that secondhand smoke is to be avoided, but people had no such concerns until recently. Most thought the Marlboro Man was the picture of good health. We would suggest that, in the future, too much sitting might be considered in the same way as have other such insidious environmental and behavioral health hazards. **Too Little Exercise and Too Much Sitting: Inactivity Physiology and the Need for New Recommendations on Sedentary Behaviour Current Cardiovascular Risk Rep. Jul 2008; 2(4): 292-298** Thanks to: PubMed Health Healthy Living How To MedicalBillingAndCoding
Posted on: Thu, 09 Oct 2014 21:37:14 +0000

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