Is that true? Did you hear about it? Prosecutors vowed to seek - TopicsExpress


Is that true? Did you hear about it? Prosecutors vowed to seek the death penalty for George W Bush, 43rd President of the United States. Bush, accused of ‘crimes against humanity’ for CIA approved interrogation and torture programs as well as two illegal wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, has pled innocence to his accusers. Bush, 68, appeared forlorn and weak during his arraignment at the International Court of Justice in The Hague. Bush was flanked by an attorney and numerous others in black suits. Earlier Friday, throngs of onlookers and reporters jeered as Bush was led into the building in handcuffs, including a large police contingent from the Netherlands with snipers on the rooftops and tanks on the ground. Bush’s next court appearance will likely take place in January of 2015. Prosecutors said he intends to seek the death penalty for Bush, who remains imprisoned in an undisclosed location. Prosecutors declined to elaborate, but said they are also seeking out Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld as part of an unprecedented international coalition. They would not go into greater detail but asserted a substantial rewards would be offered to anyone who provided information that led to their capture. “We will find the answers the world so desperately seeks,” prosectors told reporters in English. “Iraqis, Afghanis, and others who suffered from CIA torture programs and their families seek justice as well as peace of mind. They have suffered unimaginably and nothing can repair that trauma. We will seek out justice and reparations to help ease their horrible pain.” The dogged hunt for Bush ended Friday night as he was traveling through Northern Europe on vacation. Bush was slapped with handcuffs and shoved into the back of a van by the “Särskilda operationsgruppen,” a Swedish Special Forces group in operation since 2011 and in league with The Hague in the Netherlands. It is unclear how Barack H Obama and the United States will respond.
Posted on: Mon, 15 Dec 2014 19:59:19 +0000

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