Is the Income Tax of God? 1. If God wants us to submit to an - TopicsExpress


Is the Income Tax of God? 1. If God wants us to submit to an unrighteous government then he is also stating that we should submit to a second Master, Satan. But verses 3 & 4 state to stand up for good and confront an unrighteous government. And if the income tax is not written in law then we should not be punished for not paying it. 2. Caesar is NOT the IRS nor the courts (case law), but it is the U.S. Constitution and Congressional Law. And the Federal Reserve Notes do not belong to the U.S. Government, but to the New World Order, including the Rothchilds and the Rockefellers. Senator, Nelson Aldrich pushed the Federal Reserve Act, through Congress in 1913 just before Christmas, when much of Congress was on vacation. 3. Pay only what is due, and by Congressional Law and the U.S. Supreme Court income tax in NOT due. NO Congressman nor IRS agent can find the Law. Proof; Truth-in-Taxation hearing was held Feb. 27-28, 2002 and no representative from the IRS, DOJ, or Congress ever showed up to deny any allegations. 4. Only Congress can make laws referring to taxes and not the Courts nor the IRS; U.S. Constitution, Article I. - The Legislative Branch, Section 1 - The Legislature, All legislative Powers herein granted shall be vested in a Congress of the United States, which shall consist of a Senate and House of Representatives. 5. All laws are based in their own legislatures, but most of the states piggy back on the Internal Revenue Code like in California; DIVISION 2. OTHER TAXES, PART 10. PERSONAL INCOME TAX, CHAPTER 3. COMPUTATION OF TAXABLE INCOME, Article 1. Definition of Gross Income, Adjusted Gross Income, Taxable Income, etc. - Sec. 17071. Section 61 of the Internal Revenue Code, relating to gross income defined, shall apply, except as otherwise provided. So therefore the states cannot lawfully collect the income tax as they use federal laws as their own. 6. The 16th Amendment was NOT lawfully ratified; proof by Bill Benson, as only 17 Governors signed their version out of the 36 required; the Solicitor of the US, actually changed Kentuckys State vote count to Yeas 27, nays 2 from the actual vote Yeas 9, nays 22. Individuals pay taxes ON the source while corporations pay FROM the source. 7. Just the imposition of a tax does not make you liable for it! There is NO income tax liability anywhere in the Internal Revenue Code. IRC, Title 26, Sec. 6011. - General requirement of return, statement, or list (a) General rule When required by regulations prescribed by the Secretary any person made liable for any tax imposed by this title,... 8. The Withholding Tax (wage tax) was repealed in 1944 as it was held to be unconstitutional. The Victory Tax was repealed by section 6 of Income Tax Act of 1944. A voluntary income tax had been in place from 1913 to 1942, but for Constitutional reasons, fewer than 11 percent of Americans had to pay the income tax at that time. 9. There are NO penalties listed in the Internal Revenue Code for the nonpayment of the income tax or for not filing. Return information can be used against you thus violating your 4th & 5th Amendment rights. 10. Income has never been defined in the Internal Revenue Code even though gross income has. The Supreme Court ruled in 1921; that income is a corporate profit; Merchants Loan & Trust Co. v. Smietanka, 255 U.S. 509; therefore individuals cannot have any profit. 11. The Supreme Court ruled in 1960; Our system of taxation is based upon voluntary assessment and payment, not upon distraint; Flora v. United States, 362 U.S. 145. If it was mandatory then we would be slaves to the Federal Government in direct violation of the 13th Amendment. 12. No where in the Internal Revenue Code does it even mention the IRS. All authority goes to the Secretary of the Treasury when it comes to the income tax and he does not delegate his authority to the IRS. Some IR Codes include: Sec. 3402, 6001, 6011, 6053, 6320, 6330, 6331, 6335, 7602, & 7608. 13. There are other taxes that cover the basics like the gasoline tax for roads, but the CAFR (Comprehensive Annual Financial Report) which has been mandated for all levels of governments since 1945 covers more than what the budget reports state. The state of Alaska gives out dividends from its CAFR of about $1,600 per year to each household and they do not have a state income tax. This money started coming in by the collection of the income tax, but then was invested into corporations and now most governments have a surplus in which they do not need to collect any taxes at all. Orange County California claimed bankruptcy, but could have survived 11 years without collecting a dime in taxes. Also, money is loaned out if not just freely given out to foreign governments in direct violation of the U.S. Constitution, Article I, Section 8 - Powers of Congress - To borrow money on the credit of the United States. If we are to believe that God says we must pay the income tax, then God is telling us to disobey the Laws of the land and believe the lies of the tyrannical government and the deceit of Satan. And the only way the One World Government (Antichrist) could fund its operations is with the collection of the income tax. Will you accept a global tax of any kind that goes to the United Nations? Some of the income tax goes to the U.N. in direct violation of the U.S. Constitution. Some plans are already in place for several global taxes . I cannot sit back, be paying the income tax and knowingly commit sin just on the assumption that others think they know the right thing to do when in fact they have never read the Internal Revenue Code, seen the Supreme Court decisions, or even done any research on any of the above.
Posted on: Wed, 12 Mar 2014 18:54:05 +0000

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