Is the Prophet peace be upon him is a "comforter" in the Gospel of - TopicsExpress


Is the Prophet peace be upon him is a "comforter" in the Gospel of "John"? ar Share | Question: I was talking to my friend Christian, I mentioned to him that "the Comforter other," which appeared in "The Gospel of John" verse 14:16 is Muhammad peace be upon him, but he said that "the Comforter" in this gospel meant by "the Holy Spirit (the truth)," which will appear, and will dwell in the heart of the apostles, but Muhammad peace be upon him was evident to the people, and that the Prophet, peace be upon him, came after several years did not dwell in the heart of the Disciples of Christ, is this evidence that Muhammad, peace be upon him, is not a "comforter"? . Note that stated in John 14:17 the word "live", he did present indicative form and not in the future. Please advise me, may God reward you. The answer: Praise be to God This sentence contained in the Gospel of John is one of the Bisharat Isa ibn Maryam, peace be upon him to حواريين mission of the Prophet peace be upon him afterwards, and the origin of the matter is that Jesus had preached the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, his name "Ahmed", came translators of this name of science Vholoh to recipe , and named it (Berichaelitus) "PERIQLYTOS" or "PARACLYTOS" which means based بالحمد a lot, Frbuha to word "Variqlait", then translated this word in Arabic to "comforter", or "lawyer", or "patron." He said Sheikh Abdul-Wahab al-Najjar in his book "Stories of the Prophets" (p. 397, 398) that it was in the year 1894 study Arabic fellow Italian Orientalist "Carlunalino", has asked Sheikh Najjar on the night of 27.07.1311 e meaning "Berichaeltos"? He replied, saying: The priests say: that this word means "comforter," said Najjar: I ask Dr. "Carlunalino" with a doctorate in the ethics of the Jews in ancient Greek and do not ask a priest, he said: The meaning "which has Hamad many," said Najjar : Is that I do agree preference from "Hamad"? Dr. said: Yes, Najjar said: The Messenger of Allah peace be upon him of the names "Ahmed". With regard to those of the Annunciation of Jesus, his brother Mohammed, peace be upon them both, which I asked them: we will not quote for you what the scholars of Islam in the meaning of those sentences, but Sntekfa the two transport were Christians has led them the Gospel itself to Islam! The second of them was that section - and the whole door of the Annunciation Muhammad, peace be upon him - the cause of Islam. 1. Said Brother ". C. For وبلا" - and jurisprudence of God -: And now we turn to the prophecy contained in the "New Testament" which heralded the Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him, came in the "book of John" (14:16): "I will pray to the Father, and will give you a sincere (comforter) last, live with you forever" . This text clearly says: that someone else, an additional person, but of the same type, yet it is completely different from the first one, will send a response to the prayer of Jesus, peace be upon him, and a very important question here is: Who is the Savior (comforter) first? . Say World Christian unanimously: This is the Savior (or assistant, as currently it is added) is the Holy Spirit or Holy spectrum - depending on which Gospel you read - and the only one that supports it is "the book of John" (14:26) which says: "But the Savior (comforter) is the spectrum of the Bible, whom the Father will send in my name ... ". But what came in the "book of John" (14:26) and the same travel (14:16) contradict each other; The text (14:16) says: Savior last sent, while states (14:26) on the other, which is the soul will be sent Jerusalem or Holy spectrum, this means that a total of two of the Holy Spirit or Holy spectrum will be sent! The use of the word (last) in John (14:16) means: that one it already exists. With regard to sending gentle sacred else: defend some of the Christians about this idea by saying that the spectrum Bible was not on the ground yet, but there are many evidence in the Bible about the shuttle spectrum holy before the birth of Christ and his departure: "Travel Luke" (1:15) , "John the Baptist", "Book of Luke" (1:41), "Elizabeth", "Book of Luke" (1:67) "Zakaria", "Book of Luke" (2:26) "Simon", "Book of Luke" (3:22) "Jesus." Holy spectrum was helping Jesus, peace be upon him in his mission and help disciples in their mission in preaching and healing people ... . To support the argument that the word "unfaithful (comforter)" does not refer to the spectrum Bible more: Did you know that the word "unfaithful (comforter)" [COMFORTER] is the English translation of the Greek word "PERICLYTOS", which is - almost - a literal translation of the word Aramaic or Hebrew "Mouhmana" and used by the same Jesus, peace be upon him, which is linked to the name "Muhammad" in Arabic, that the name of the last prophet will come before the advent of Jesus, peace be upon him for the second time? ... . And now to read what was in the "book of John" (16: 12 - 14), which constitutes more images integrated about the Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him and Islam: "I still have some things to say to you, but you do not you can be Tthmloha now, anyway, When it comes, the Spirit of truth (the Savior / comforter), is Sédakm to the truth; he will not speak his authority is, but he will say all what he hears; will tell you about things to come, is Samagdna because he will take what is mine and is announced to you. " Apply the features of the Savior (comforter) on the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him only, as they appear the following observations: 1. The Quran name of Jesus, peace be upon him more than the name of the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him twenty times ... . 2. Quran was revealed to the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him through the angel Gabriel, and whenever Gabriel finished reading parts of the Quran: The Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him literally convey to his companions that he hears own without an increase, or change or forget ... . 3. The Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, the Prophet only one who came after Jesus peace be upon him, and there was a period of six centuries between them, the task of Jesus peace be upon specific to "sheep of Israel stray", but a message Muhammad, peace be upon him, was a universal message for all people ( including the rulers of the Romans and the Samaritans), it was the message of the Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him is the only one that wanted her God Almighty to be universal and timeless. "ended up very briefly of his book" The Bible led me to Islam (p. 40 - 44) - numbering Comprehensive -, but Achtsrna a speech because we سنحيل the reader on the book to find and full benefit and continued to speak Manual. # post4360 2. Mr. Solomon said witness unexplained - Senior -: This research is a range of interests that led me because the Islamic months, some scientists believe that what Jesus said the Aramaic language akin to the Greek word "PERIKLYTOS" that matched the word "Muhammad" in Arabic, has been proven that there are many similar cases in the New Testament, dissolved word replaces another, add to that that there is another possibility is that the word was "PERIKLTOS", then omitted scribes one to the similarity extreme with the other and proximity spatial ones, and if true this purpose would be interested in the Greek text, "and he shall give you another Comforter, Mohammed" instead of "he will give you another Comforter ", has appeared such errors in the writing of the Gospels of the New Testament to the lack of spaces between the letters in the Greek text, and it may result in that overlook appointed by word similar to another or convergence in the place, but for the word" spirit "which appeared in this topic that the Prophet next will be of the genus humans: In the Gospels of the New Testament was launched this word also recipients of divine revelation, and who has the ability to connect to the spiritual, and build on that, "the Spirit of truth" is a person who has a strong connection spiritual, ie: that person who has a divine revelation, which is characterized as dedicated to the right college in his life and his behavior and personality, and that Jesus had stated that that prophet will reveal things unknown to Jesus himself, even if Jesus had come "all right," there would be no need for the coming prophet beyond permissible for people "all right" that the "goats" will be like Jesus a prophet and not human beings spirit. Give us a Greek text obvious answer to that question because it uses the word "allon", which is the effect of its evocative of the word "allos" which means "another of the same kind," The word that means "another of the same variant" is "hetenos", which unused in the Greek text, and this settled the matter, it would be "the Comforter" permission "another of the same kind", ie: like Jesus and Moses, who said "gay" ie: human beings and not the spirit, we can draw the parameters is highlighted in our New Testament, and reach to form a clear and specific so the Prophet, which highlighted the tag that: 1. Comes after you have finished the message of Jesus. 2. Mercy and advice to the sons of Adam goats "Paraclete", and will be known as "Mohammed," the person comforter "periclyte". 3. Truth is known. 4. An "all right." 5. Remains to his impact remains. 6. Glorify Jesus. "John (14: 16, 13: 16 - 17). Ended elforkan/7ewar/showthread.php?t=1009 And see about the same section of the Bible, and under the link itself: the words of Sheikh Ahmed Deedat, Dr. Abdul Ahad Dawood - a priest earlier - and Sheikh Ibrahim Khalil Ahmed - a priest earlier - and Sheikh Jaafar السبحاني, Dr. Ahmad Hijazi Saka, and Mr. Ahmed Abdel Wahab, Professor Mohammed Izzat Thtaui, corresponding have been printed in a book entitled "Bishara Ahmed in the Bible" the achievement of Prof. Mohammad Husseini Rais, the book can be downloaded from the link: al-maktabeh/ar/open.php?cat=3&book=52 See the answer to question number (44 018). And Allah knows best
Posted on: Sun, 16 Jun 2013 22:21:06 +0000

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