Is there a husband who would support his wife in completing her - TopicsExpress


Is there a husband who would support his wife in completing her masters even though it took her 3 years instead of the 6 months she told him before marriage? would leave her without asking for anything in the house or food or visiting relatives etc.... Is there a husband who would let you go out with your friends whenever u like, not only that he would drive u to and from anyplace u agree with your friend on, not only that he would leave his home for a whole day so u can have your girlfriends over? Is there a husband who would support you in your work and career and even babysit your son when u need to go to work and have no place to leave him ? considering he is not really keen on you working, but leaving the choice to you Is there a husband who doesnot only care about your wellbeing in donia but also cares that you meet in heaven and therefore helps you with and is always after you to be better? Is there a husband even though there was alot of trouble with your family would treat them like his own doing errands for them , driving them , going to the doctor , and even advicing you not to raise your voice in their presence ? Is there a husband who would sit by your side when u r sick and try to make u food and get u medicine and prepare hot drinks? The list can goon but i only wanted to make a point I have been reading and hearing about alot of bad examples of husbands , although my husband is not perfect.... but then who is perfect ?
Posted on: Sun, 24 Nov 2013 01:44:16 +0000

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