Is there any rule to be followed if during salah, the following - TopicsExpress


Is there any rule to be followed if during salah, the following acts/things happen? a person yawns. a person sneezes loudly and remains silent. a person sneezes loudly/slowly, say “Alhamdulillah. a person hears someone sneezing and says “Alhamdulillah”. a person laughs in salah with sound loudly. a person laughs but with less sound, more like giggling. if the cap/imama falls from head in sajdah and the person puts it back on during salah. If cellphone rings and the person reaches out withoput looking at the phone to shut it. If cell phone rings, he/she picks up looks at the number, reads it and shuts the phone. a person folds his pants before starting salah to make it above the ankles. if pants are below ankle. a female is wearing a dupatta but her hair is showing from front and back in salah. a female is wearing a dupatta on her head but is so thin that the hair can be seen. a female is wearing dupatta but her hand and neck is visible. a female is not wearing gloves and her hands and wrist is visible. Bismihita’la, Al jawabu biawnil wahhab, if a person yawns intentionally, then this act will be makroohe tahreemi ( close to haraam) consequently the salah will be waajibul eaada ( it is compulsory for him to repeat salah). If he yawns naturally, then there is no harm ( such an act won’t affect his salah,but he should try to his best to avoid it, if not suppressed then he should clench the lower lip between the teeth, if it is still not bsuppressed then he should place his hand on the mouth. Remember, he will place his right hand in qiyam. (standing position) and left one in other positions. (Fataawa Alamgiri) (answer to 2,3,4): When the performer of salah sneezes in the course of salah then he should not say “alhamdulillah” rather, he should remain silent. if he said undelibirately, then salah will not be nullified. If he says Alhamdulillah on hearing on someone else sneezing, then his salah will be invalid. ( Bahaare Shariat) (answer to 5,6): If anyone while praying laughs loudly then his salah along with wuzu will be nullified. (means, after making wuzu he will have to pray again). If he laughs with less sound, in the sense, smiles, and no sound is created then salah will not be invalid, but, it does not mean that one should giggle/smile, rather he has to try his best to perform salah with khushoo wa khuzu ( with full involvement of heart and undivided concentration). (Durre Mukhtaar) (answer to 7): If one’s cap falls off from the head during salah it is better act to lift it to wear again. But one should not be allowed to do it again and agai. Otherwise it will be amale kaseer and salah will be null and void. Remember, alame kaseer means if a person seen from distant place, like doing some other act, ( which does’nt belong to offerig salah during paryer, is called amale kaseer) it nullifies salah. On the other hand, Amale Qaleel is vice versa & this amal does not make salah void. ( Bahaare shariat) (answer to 8,9): As far as, the question regarding the cell phone is concerned, one should be very cautious that his act should not be amale kaseer. Otherwise, h’s salah will be invalid. It is better to turn it off, or put in silence at the time of salah. (answer to 10,11): If a person folds his pants before starting salah and prays in such a state, then this act will be makroohe tahreemi ( salah will be wajibul eaadah). Means, he will have to repeat it.If a person’s pants are below the ankle, his salah will be makroohe tanzeehi ( undesireable) and it will not affect the salah with the condition that if he does’nt do it arrogantly. Otherwise, it will be makroohe tahreemi ( close to haram) as in the tenth vol. of “Fataawa Razwia”. Ala Hazrat has mentioned with the reference of “Taarikhu Khulafa” that when Hazrat Abu Bakr Siddique put forth his excuse in front of rasoolullah sallallahualaihi wassallam that my trouser remains below the ankle. Rasoolullah sallallahu wassallam replied, “Innaka lasta mimain yasnaoo khayalaa”. Means, “You are not amongst them who keep their trousers below the ankle with arrogance”. (answer to 12,13,14,15): Prior to knowing the answers to these questions, it should be noted that the entire body of the woman is concealable accept the face,palms, and soles of feet.Her hanging hair of the head, neck, & wrist are also included in concealable parts. It is obligatory ( farz) on the woman to cover all the concealable parts. if a fourth of any concealable part is uncovered, then her salah will be invalid. The following thirty parts of a woman’s body are regarded as concealable parts: 1.head from the hair line to the neck line, 2. Hanging hair 3,4.Ears 5. Neck 6,7. Two shoulders 8,9. Arms, including elbows 10,11. Two wrists i.e from the elbow to below the wrist 12. Chest, including the collarbone to the region below the breasts. 13,14. The back side of both hands 15,16. Two breasts 17. Abdomen, including the chest up to the line below the navel 18. Back, including the region below the shoulder, to the waist 19. The region below the shoulders including armpits and sides 20,21. Right and left hips 22. Genital 23. Bum 24,25. Thighs, one thigh including bum and knee is treated as one part. 26. Pubic region and the region of the back at the level of pubic region 27,28. Calves including ankle’s 29,30. Soles of feet. Some jurists have excluded the soles of the feet from the concealable parts. (Fataawa Alamgiri) Wallahualam bissawaab sannusana barvatia
Posted on: Fri, 31 Oct 2014 17:39:09 +0000

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