Is these applicable to whative done?hehehe In your 20s every - TopicsExpress


Is these applicable to whative done?hehehe In your 20s every thing you learned is a lie.. 1. Now is the best time to start. Put your FOMO (fear of missing out) into good use. Time is ticking and every minute you spend not doing anything is a minute wasted. As early as now, you should work towards increasing your value, developing useful work/lifelong habits and of course, building your career. 2. You are not entitled to anything. One thing that truly defines Generation Y is their overwhelming sense of entitlement. Guess what, you are not entitled to anything. If you want to achieve something, if you want to be someone and if you want to make an impact, then you need to make your way from the bottom to the top. No shortcuts! 3. Your talent is overrated. Lucky you if you’re actually good at something. But raw talent, no matter how valuable or special it is, is just wasted potential if you don’t know what to do with it. Your talent won’t help you survive the corporate world unless you work hard and learn how to use it in getting the results you need. How? Go figure! 4. Your reputation is your most important qualification. Whether it’s online or on paper, a solid reputation can dramatically increase your chances of getting hired. Being in your 20s, employers don’t have much to base your reputation on except for the past jobs and internships you had and sometimes, even your friends and peers. Invest on building a solid and honest reputation be it with the people you know, the people you hang out with and the people you work with. 5. YOLO is not an excuse to indulge. Every 20-something seems to have this expression tucked in their sleeve – or tattooed on their back. (Damn you, Drake!) Yes, you only live once, but it’s a shame that people of this generation use it to justify their excesses. You only live once and so you need to live your life with real value and meaning. Let this motivate you not to do stupid things but to achieve greater things whether it’s at work or in life. 6. You need to bite your tongue. Hold up one bit and resist the urge to voice out your opinions. We put so much value on free expression that most of us forget the importance of listening. Being immersed in the corporate world allows you to work with senior professionals. Shut up and listen. You can learn a lot from them. 7. You live to work. Ignore all those chatter about work not being the center of your life. It is a claim made by privileged 30 to 40-somethings who are already in a good place, sitting comfortably on top of the corporate ladder. For all we know, one of those people is your boss right now. For now, you live to work because you still have a lot of room to grow and so much more to prove. Let future professional achievements inspire you to strive in achieving your goals. Work really hard for now and follow other passions later when you can afford to do so. 8. You are your job. Because what you do, or at least, what you spend most of your time doing says a lot about who you are. Yes, “you are your job” but always keep in mind that… 9. You are not your own boss. Plain and simple. 10. You have to recognize your priorities. Despite your job title, you may have more than one role. At some point, things will overwhelm you. Learn to step back and reevaluate your priorities before moving forward. Setting your priorities straight is always a necessary step in proper time management. 11. You will never leave school. Life is a continuous learning process. The most important knowledge, skills and experience you need to survive the corporate world is out in the open. Learn as much as you can while you are young. And with it, you also need to unlearn some. Unlearning things will help you get rid of bad habits, enabling you to shift your perspective and modify your attitude towards life and work. In the process, you must realize that… 12. You need a mentor. Everything you ever learned until now is a lie. Find someone to teach you the real lessons you need to learn. 13. You don’t need to be so stressed out. Stress is such an overused word. Just one bit of adversity (which often requires a little flexibility and technical knowledge to solve) and you already take it as stress. Give it 10 to 20 years (when you’re in a management position) and you’ll see firsthand what real stress means. For now, just chill! 14. You need some alone time. At this age, you are at the most socially inclined phase of your life. A little alone time will give you a chance filter through all that noise and examine yourself. But then… 15. You also need a friend – a real friend. For a lot obvious reasons. 16. Your actions have consequences. Even the smallest and slightest things you do have consequences. The incorrect responses you give your boss, all those times you were late for a meeting and even the little slip ups at work – they all leave a lasting impression. When you suffer the consequences of your actions… 17. You will always have regrets. While you haven’t made all the right decisions along the way, what’s important is that you recognize your mistakes and learn from them. In order to get rid of the frustration you feel… 18. You need to make room for mistakes. You don’t need to be so hard on yourself. No matter how good of an employee you are, you are still prone to errors and mistakes. So leave a room for future missteps- just a tiny, little room. 19. You are not special. Surprise! All those times you spent listening to Taylor Swift songs and the dozens of Glee episodes you’ve watched have tricked you into thinking that you are special. Guess what, you’re not! Millennials are deluded narcissists- at least that’s what some experts think. You need to ground yourself and realize that you are not the center of the universe or an exemption to any rule. The sad truth is, you are just like anyone else. However… 20. You have it in you. You have what it takes to succeed in your chosen career. Make no excuse to fail. In your 20s, you are at the most formative, impressionable and malleable stage of your career. Make the best out of it and believe that you can do it!
Posted on: Mon, 20 Oct 2014 08:01:57 +0000

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