Is this Day Five of Gratitude already, Qat? I did shirk slightly - TopicsExpress


Is this Day Five of Gratitude already, Qat? I did shirk slightly yesterday, but Im intensely thankful that The Third Doctor (Adam) and Laura are here, safely, and staying for a few days. If so, my assignment is Things that support and free me. Hmmmmm.... The first of these must be my academic post. In an age where academic work is gravely imperilled, having any regular teaching post is a privilege; and mine is an enviable post indeed. Back when unemployment was staring me in the face in the summer of 2009, my watchword was I am not strong enough to dig, and I am ashamed to beg; There arent many sorts of work for which Im particularly valuable, and because of a variety of starting advantages and subsequent good luck, Ive been able to get by in one of them. I am deeply thankful for this job, for the opportunity to pray and teach with this college, and for its encouragement to pursue my research. Second will be the National Health Service. Margaret and I have benefitted personally from the NHS, but the single greatest benefit of living in a nation whose government undertakes to sustain the good health of its citizens has been our peace of mind concerning our medical lives. Yes, we know that it hasnt worked out that way for everyone — but neither has the US health insurance industry, and of the two Im well thankful to live with the NHS. Third, I must thank my Dad and Mum, and Holly, for helping start me off on a way of life that values so extensive and varied a range of freedoms that I could see past any hard sell for this or that alleged good (I was a resistant student in school-days of enforced patriotism) to observe and listen and learn and question, until by exploring and testing and considering many ways of freedom, I turned again to a true and living way that frees me and supports me to put my capacities to work where they best serve others. I obviously do not live up to the best I might be, but I know no higher calling than to press onward. I wont point to particular other people who should undertake this exercise; if you feel as though youve been passed by and would really like to give it a go, you can say you were inspired to do it by these posts — but mostly Id ask any reader to live in honesty, and honestly then to welcome and return thanks for such gifts as have been put at your disposal, and gladly, gratefully, to turn those gifts to the best use you can imagine.
Posted on: Thu, 31 Jul 2014 20:37:43 +0000

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